Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Rachel's 2nd Birthday

Rachel has always been Baby B. The second to be born, fed, held, changed, and loved most of her life. I would like to say today was an exception. But her good nature still allowed her to take second place to her demanding brother. I think this was the reason she spent the extra 10 days in the hospital without him. Finally some attention. I did get her out of her crib first this morning. But that probably had something to do with the brown spider than her need to wake up. Good thing she loves small round things.

*Don't worry Mom-I do give her the #1 spot more than I let on-but telling the truth doesn't make for a very good post now does it?*


ROAST said...

how fun

MJ/Mom/GrammaJ said...

I know RachE is not always second. But it is a challenge when you have Mister give me what I want now! around. I am more worried about the spider!! She is a darling girl and generally very happy to wait her turn. Happy Birthday RAchel! I remember feeding you that first night. It took forever!!

CL/Dad said...

We were thinking of you on your special day, Baby B. You have brought us much joy to watch you progress in the past year.

jeanine said...

She just gets cuter and cuter! Happy 2nd birthday!

Lindsay said...

They are both so cute, I can hardly stand it. :) I love that you celebrate their 2nd birthdays!

lori said...

Oh, that beautiful girl! Happy coming-home day, Rach!

annie said...

How did Rachel spend her day? In her PJ's like Adam? I think the 2nd B-day is a great idea. However, I think using the word birthday could get confusing. Suggestion: rename the name by having a contest for the best name one your blog, winner get prize or maybe just bragging rights. Or leave it as 2nd brithday, it up to you. Either way your kids are adorible and you & ryan are very blessed to have them.

MJ/Mom/GrammaJ said...

I will never forget getting the email with the ultrasound and looking at 2 round black spots labeled A and B. I immedietly knew it was twins! Grandpa C looked at it and didn't get it. It was so exciting. Baby B. B is for Best! (Don't tell Adam)!