Thursday, May 20, 2010

Since No One Else Is

The "new items" on my google reader are extremely low, so since apparently no one else is blogging, I guess I will.

Thank you for your comments on my brownie post. It was a good reminder to me to be patient because of what has been going on this week:

You should never say these words out loud: "Our kids haven't been sick in a long time". Even knocking on wood can't prevent the projectile vomiting that is bound to occur after such a statement.

But we are trying to count our blessings:

At least we don't have anything too important going on this week
At least I had just done all the laundry so the machine has been available for lots of soiled blankets/towels/sheets/etc.
At least my kids like baths cause they have had a lot this week
At least our carpet is a nice "hide spots" color
At least our couch has a slip cover we can wash
At least they really like bananas and applesauce
At least it's hot so we wouldn't have been able to go outside much anyway
At least they have decided they like TV
At least Ry and I don't feel sick....yet...knock on wood please (maybe if someone else does it will work)
At least I moved the important papers a few minutes before Rachel got sick on that same spot
At least I haven't had to worry about making 3 meals a day
At least one of us still has a sense of humor (the first time Adam threw up, R laughed her head off)

Okay, so this is the lamest post ever. I am in need of some entertainment that can't be found on pbs kids, so...start blogging people!


Elise B. said...

I love the positivity...look out for an "Optimist Day" post in a couple weeks. I might need to use your post!

jeanine said...

Oh Amy how awful! Sick kiddos are the worst! Hope everyone feels better soon!

Katrina said...

We had our share of projectile vomit here this week, too. I can't imagine dealing with double and still being so positive! And I think it's hilarious that R laughed when Adam threw up! I hope your kids are feeling better soon, and I'll knock on wood for Ryan and you.

CL/Dad said...

Thank you for continuing to blog. How else could I see and continue to follow some of your adventures and the things happening in your world? Your blogs are a way of sharing. As for sickness, ... well, I share your worry but try not to share that with your kids.

heath said...

I just can't wait. Someday that could be me! (Oh wait, no, I think I can wait on that for awhile longer.)

Sarah said...

Good luck dealing with the sickies. I still remember having the flu when Elisabeth was about their age. I was ralphing over the toilet and she came in and patted me on the back! Hope you stay healthy!

Lindsay said...

I'll be blogging Justin's birthday soon. :) (I'm sure everyone is on pins and needles.)

It was so fun to chat with at Book club, Amy!!!

The Pagets in Florida said...

I actually often go by how often you post as to how often I should be posting. Funny how that works.

lori said...

We hope our little friends are feeling better!!! (and that our grown up friends haven't caught the bug???)

"sick days" as a mom are just plain HARD WORK.

Love you so much!!! Can't tell you how Lucy laughed aobut the brownie mess!

nateandrebecca said...

Oh no! Sorry your kids have been sick. Hope they are feeling better and that you guys don't get sick too!

Erin said...

I hope they are feeling better, too:) I blog all the time, check it out!

I try to make my blog a helpful place to share cool stuff I've learned, great food places, more, just see the right hand side of the blog, ha ha!

Melanie said...

Happy Birthday, Jean!!!