Monday, June 21, 2010

Birthday Week

My parents came into town to start out birthday week. My bday is a week before the kids, so there was a lot of celebrating. I didn't really have any plans in mind for this year, which was a good thing because even though it was my birthday, it still ended up being all about the kids (of course:)

Dinner at Islands:  The food was good, but even better were the "birds" that saved us from toddler meltdowns.
Then we burned off our dinner at the park....

How can my mother heart not melt at this? He turned around to "catch" her every time!


Sarah said...

That is just about the sweetest thing ever! What a great brother!

jeanine said...

Ha! Rich says he doesn't have a birthday anymore either... since James' is 3 days before his. So sad.

Lindsay said...

Oh. My. Heck. I know I've been commenting a lot lately, but I seriously cannot not comment on that video. That is one of the cutest things I've ever seen! I even made Dave watch, and I don't usually do that. :) What cute kids, Amy!!

Linda said...

That video is the cutest thing I have ever seen! So adorable!! What a good brother!

Cardalls said...

Oh that is too cute! What a sweet brother!