Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Halloween 3

Trunk or Treat:

Can you tell what we are?  Probably not, so I'll tell you...Jesse and Woody. And Ry and I are kids...we put our names on our Jesse and Woody toys just so we don't lose them :)
If you still don't know who we Toy Story
Ry is attempting to blow a bubble

I thought this was the best yarn braid ever...too bad she didn't want to wear it ever again

They loved handing out candy. I asked R if she wanted to go get more candy. She said, "no, I want to give more to the kids"

Ryan was amused by the fact that R would carefully pick out one piece of candy for each kid and A would dump a whole handful in.
The kids are the perfect holiday age and we had a great time!

1 comment:

jeanine said...

Love the costumes! You guys are too much fun!