Friday, June 29, 2012


It's no secret that we have trouble having kids...but apparently we like to make up for that fact by having them two at once! Here is the story...
After a couple of years of not worrying about it and just raising the kids we have, we decided to start down the path of fertility treatments again. This meant saving up a ton of money. So in the meantime, we went for the cheaper option of clomid. We had no hope of this working. It didn't before-so why would it now? We prayed and visited our expert Dr. D to see if we really wanted to spend all of our savings on doing IVF. It wasn't clear what we should do until a morning in early May changed everything. 
I was fed up with feeling sick and wondering "what if" so I bit the bullet and took a pregnancy test. When it was positive you wouldn't have been able to scrape my jaw off the floor. Even the doctor's blood test wasn't proof enough for me. It wasn't until I saw this, that I believed.

I have seen enough twin ultrasounds that I knew exactly what I was looking at. But I still had to have the doctor confirm it. I have been in a state of shock and worry and denial and happiness ever since.

This is a scary thing. The last thing we want is another life threatening stay in the NICU for these little ones. And we barely have room in our tiny house. And we already have been neglecting them...Do I know where all my ultrasound pics are? No. Have I carefully recorded their heartbeats and measurements? No. But despite all of the shock and the worry and the planning, you need to know this:

This is a miracle. And we love these babies. And we absolutely give credit to God for sending them here. So if you could just pray with us that we can last until they're big enough to come out, we would appreciate it. They are due in December, by the way. But I'm thinking we'll have Thanksgiving babies. And we will be doing plenty of giving thanks.


Andrea said...

That's sooo awesome Amy!!! So happy to hear it and how cool that you didn't totally skip clomid or something. Just amazing and of course good luck with your double double trouble... ;) I look forward to reading ryan's post about the babies and their miracle birth and NICU stay was so awesome too. Hope you are feeling well.

Unknown said...

AHH! Congratulations! Good luck with everything.

jeanine said...

I'm so excited for you! I bet Adam and Rachel will be a big help to you! Do you know the genders yet?

nateandrebecca said...

We will definitely keep you in our prayers! Congratulations once again and good luck!

heath said...

We've been praying for you almost daily (sometimes we're really tired and our prayers are really short and probably not very good, but when we're really giving thoughtful prayers you are always mentioned).

Lindsay said...

I'm still in awe, Amy. So exciting! And understandably scary, which is why I've been thinking about you every day and I can definitely allocate some prayer time to this great cause as well. :) Congrats again!

Melanie said...

Hooray! HOoray! Hooray! I can't believe it. And Two more girls to top it off! We are so excited for you over here and think about you all of the time. Hopefully you are enjoying your summer! Love you!