Monday, January 14, 2013

Do You Laugh or Cry?

Over spilled milk that is...a whole gallon of it...we chose to laugh. I woke up late after a sleepless night and walked into the kitchen to see Rachel desperately trying to wipe up the mess. But I knew enough to know she wasn't the culprit. Where was he? Hiding behind the couch. He only emerged when he gathered I wasn't going to yell at him. He was just trying to feed himself  after all. However, after a day it is not so funny anymore--can someone please come over and mop and clean the carpet so we can get rid of the sour smell??


Rachel B. said...

Oh man! I would cry. :) Good job not overreacting (definitely not one of my strong suits). I love that Adam was hiding. So funny. Hopefully you can get it out of the carpet....that's the worst!

heath said...

Oh man, I love those kiddos (that are somehow big enough to try and pour their own milk). I can only imagine the panicked feelings they both felt. A gallon of milk across the floor is a pretty big dilemma for a 4-year old. Hope that someone with a carpet cleaner comes and saves the day.

Jeff and Jill said...

awww poor adam. im impressed he didnt cry!r

Amy@ServingPinkLemonade said...

How sweet of Rachel to try and clean it up for her brother. She must be a big help to you.

jeanine said...

You are amazing... I would have lost it! And milk really does stink! I hope you can get the smell out soon!

Teacher Eli said...

Amy, I started saving extra smaller containers (like a quart sized milk or juice jug) and then moving some milk in there so the kids could move it and pour it. Because kids that feed themselves breakfast are a necessity.