Friday, March 22, 2013

Four Months

March 18--

10 lbs 3 oz
wearing 3 mo clothes
size 1 diapers
still smiles a lot and laughs on occasion
sleeps well except when she needs her binki back in

9lbs 5 oz
newborn diapers and clothes, but squeezing into them
loves to talk and coo at you (and Brooke)
cries when tired, but falls asleep easily
sleeps well through the night
still spits up a ton

 Both eat 5x a day between 4-5 oz
My friend made their shirts. If you don't know-twins are called Baby" A" or "B" while in the womb...A is always born first. So Adam and Brooke are baby "a's" and Rachel and Erica are baby "b's"

We now have 2 four year olds and 2 four month olds...And...we're still hanging in there! 

1 comment:

Jeff and Jill said...

I love the look on Brookey's face-like she's tired of Erica crying. Haha. I like the shirts too, that's clever!