Friday, August 16, 2013

City of Joseph

We took advantage of gma and gpa's babysitting service and took just our big kids to Nauvoo. Four hour drive there, 4 hour stay, and 4 hours home. Was it worth it? To teach our kids about eternal families and Joseph  Smith and temples? Yes, it was. Of course what did they get out of it? Rachel asked, "Who fixed Jesus' window?" "What window?" "When he died." Oh, you mean Joseph Smith. "Yeah". And Adam just keeps saying, "I don't want to die."  So there you go. 

So we came over to the grave and she just layed down right on top of it. We started talking about the significance of it and how special this place was. Adam asked, "Where is he buried again?" Right under the stone we said. Rachel threw her head up and exclaimed, "Right under where I was laying??!"  It was hilarious. 

This is happiness


heath said...

Love the pictures of them in the pioneer clothes. Hilarious that Rachie just laid down on the grave. Sorry Adam is nervous about death now. I still am though, so he and I can worry about it together.

Katrina said...

Feeling so homesick for Nauvoo! So glad you got to go!

jeanine said...

I have been pining for a trip to Nauvoo. I may just need to wait until all my kids can remember it though.