Monday, May 12, 2008

Busy Weekend

Ryan was asked to perform his magic tricks at a kid's birthday party. There were eight 9 year old boys, and they were all amazed (most of the time). Ry was nice and let them in on a few trick secrets. But I can't believe anyone can perform them better than him.

After the show we met up with our friend Chad who was in town for the day at the Harvest Cafe. And it may be because great things always happen with Chad, or because Ry was having such a great day that he made great strides towards getting his "usual". Corrina promptly knew his drink, and most of his meal. Ry scored this as an 8 out of 10 victory. We'll keep you posted.
We finally made it- we have officially been hitched for 5 years! I can't believe it either. We had a great day together and Ryan really spoiled me. I was able to go and have a spa day...never in a million years would I have thought that lying on my stomach at 24 weeks pregnant for an hour would have been comfortable, but the massage table that they had sure was heaven! I could have stayed there all day!

We also happened to find one of the only mini-golf places that still exist here, so we brushed up our skills at a will notice who won, but I will be humble and acknowledge that Ry got his hole in one first. Also, you will notice I did not post the first 9 holes in which I did not do so well.

(This pic is also for anyone who doesn't believe I'm showing)

Finally, we worked up an appetite and headed to the Olive Garden for our victory dinner. Ryan likes to claim that "we are done talking" but I sure had a great dinner both talking and sitting in comfortable silence with this great guy. I'm so sorry to the rest of you who can't possibly have a greater marriage than us! honor of the occasion, let us take the time to stroll down Memory Lane.
(click on the pic to read it)

Of course, Ryan has never done anything like this in his life! Oh wait...

(The street sign used as his proposal theme)

(from the street where he grew up)

Sunday: Mother's Day

It has been the tradition in our house for the last 5 years that I receive a blessing each Mother's Day-sort of has taken the place of the "first day of school" thing. In years past this has helped serve as a source of strength and comfort for me as we waited for my motherhood to become "official". Our circumstances have blessedly changed, but I think I am even more in need of strength and comfort now! I am grateful for these last 5 years that have prepared me for the time ahead, and I am so grateful and excited for the next years that are sure to bring many more adventures. Let us pray that we survive! :) Happy Mother's Day to all of the women in my life-I look to you more than you know.

Plans for this week? Sleep!

Friday, May 2, 2008

Spring Cleaning

Ryan and I have been very busy this week. I guess you can say we are "nesting" but most people would probably just consider it spring cleaning.
We have:
-attempted to change the light bulb in our ceiling fan. This unfortunately led to a trip to the ER (for our friend-not either of us. Still not sure if this is a good thing or not :) The glass cover shattered in his hands leading to 11 stitches. (Warning: do not look at pics if you get queasy over the sight of blood)

-ordered a new bookshelf because apparently I can't stop visiting
-made backup cds of my itunes
-put our treadmill for sale on craigslist (ok, not yet, but it will be there in the next few days)
-fixed the brakes on our taurus...a/c still needs work
-cleaned our carpets and the kitchen tile
-cleaned out almost every cupboard/closet in the house.
This has resulted in us rediscovering some old treasures:
-an unopened 1999 phone bill
-Ry's Bulls jacket from 6th grade complete with Christmas caroling music on the inside pocket-he was so nice to give it up since I wouldn't ever let him wear it in public anymore
-Some of you may remember these house rules that were posted at our first apartment
-and this personally designed invite to the best Halloween Party ever!
Thank goodness for our new vehicle that was stuffed to the max to help us bring stuff to the DI. (FYI- in the 2 weeks we have had it, our Expedition has successfully completed its first road trip, aided in 2 moves, and survived its first trip to Costco.) Also thanks to the kind servicemen who took away our huge stack of garbage bags full of stuff we used to think we couldn't live without.

I am very very proud of my husband who normally would have fought me tooth and nail on every decision. He was tossing things left and right! I, however, did shed a few tears over the college papers/notes I parted with.

The result of our labors? -a very happy organized wife and a babies' room almost all ready for the babies! Our next stop? Babies R Us!