Saturday, December 31, 2011


I just read my post from last new years. I am happy to know that I was so prophetic. 2011 was really jam packed with a lot of noteworthy things, but not too many of them are happy and uplifting, so I am more than happy to move into 2012. And I am glad that all I resolved to do was sustain and maintain. I barely achieved that.
This year I'm feeling a bit more ambitious. I'm planning on being more vibrant, and more energized to live my life. I will focus on PRIORITIES. God, my husband, my children, myself. I figure I can't really go wrong with that. And I am planning on being JOYFUL about all of it.
Bring on 2012!

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Halloween 2

How do you carve pumpkins with two three year olds without getting slimy or making a mess in your house? You go to Trader Joes and get a FREE pre gutted pumpkin and give the kids dull carving knives. 

I did most of it, but Rachel carved this one spot for about 5 minutes.  She would NOT  let me take the knife from her

The one and only time she has gotten her face painted, and the guy had to have a skeleton mask on. Great.

Nursery Graduation

 Today was our kids' last day of nursery at church. Starting in January, they will officially be in the Sunbeam class. (I know--how did that happen?) So today, they had a little graduation. And yes, I cried the instant I saw them.
"Okay, I'll wear this and I'll go to this thing, but I don't have to be happy about it."

"I'll do anything for a sunbeam cookie"

"Yes, I'm still wearing this."

Adam gets his certificate from the Bishop

"Oh, finally someone gave me something I can play with"

I have shy kids, but I'm so glad that I have the only kid who will sing. We could hear Adam and one other kid while the rest stared blankly during their performance