Saturday, December 31, 2011


I just read my post from last new years. I am happy to know that I was so prophetic. 2011 was really jam packed with a lot of noteworthy things, but not too many of them are happy and uplifting, so I am more than happy to move into 2012. And I am glad that all I resolved to do was sustain and maintain. I barely achieved that.
This year I'm feeling a bit more ambitious. I'm planning on being more vibrant, and more energized to live my life. I will focus on PRIORITIES. God, my husband, my children, myself. I figure I can't really go wrong with that. And I am planning on being JOYFUL about all of it.
Bring on 2012!


Heather said...

Right there with ya! Happy New Year!

jeanine said...

Happy New Year! So glad that 2011 is done with :)