Sunday, September 13, 2009

Hat Trick

You know I can't leave them out entirely...These guys have been up to some new tricks. Here are 3...
She actually took 4 steps before we got the camera out!

Just the Two of Us

As soon as my lifelong friend, Scott, told me he was getting married Labor Day weekend, we were determined to go. As soon as he told us it was going to be in Savannah, GA, we were thrilled to go. So we dropped off the kiddos at gma and gpa's (w/o tears thank you very much) and headed out:

Day One: Fly into Jacksonville, FL and road trip our way to Savannah. See so many Waffle Houses that we were determined to eat there. Good thing there was one right next to our hotel (and every other hotel in the entire state).

Day Two: Enjoy the sites of Savannah. Which for Ryan meant the trees-

and for me meant things like actually knowing who Juliet Gordon Low is and seeing her house:

other random sites:
Of course, the wedding:

Notice that we don't have a picture of the bride? Yet, Ryan thought the ice cream toppings warranted digital remembrance. He still says it was the "best wedding ever."

Day Three and a Half: Instead of heading straight to a hotel after a long day, we did this vacation Fitzgibbons style and drove in our Sunday best to Orlando to go to...Disneyworld...where else? It was only 5 hours away...

Day Four: The day of the 3 failed alarm clocks/wake up calls and the shortest 3 hour drive ever amid 25 police cars to make our 11:30 am flight. Thanks to some skilled driving, some luck, and some airport know how, we made it (still in the A group thank you very much).

We came home to some very cute and happy kids...but that's another post. This one is just about us.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Rachel's 2nd Birthday

Rachel has always been Baby B. The second to be born, fed, held, changed, and loved most of her life. I would like to say today was an exception. But her good nature still allowed her to take second place to her demanding brother. I think this was the reason she spent the extra 10 days in the hospital without him. Finally some attention. I did get her out of her crib first this morning. But that probably had something to do with the brown spider than her need to wake up. Good thing she loves small round things.

*Don't worry Mom-I do give her the #1 spot more than I let on-but telling the truth doesn't make for a very good post now does it?*