Thursday, October 30, 2014

In Summer: Fourth of July

We honestly thought we would just be hanging out at home for the holiday. But instead, we got to go to Brianhead Ut. It was awesome. A lot of relaxing, followed by keeping babies from falling down the stairs, letting our kids enjoy real nature,and...a pie eating contest. Oh yes, Darbie and I were in a real life, whipped cream up the nose pie eating contest. It rocked. Bucket List: check!

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

In Summer: June

Just trying to play catch up around here:
Showing off new birthday clothes

becoming a diaper master

the obsession with Mickey Mouse Clubhouse begins

Kids can eat a lot of pizza

Splash Pad!

After dance class

That's what he wanted for a prize one day

Who says cleaning the church can't be fun?

World Cup...


Ryan's always up for a magic show :)