Sunday, February 1, 2009

Big Changes

Lots of changes...but not a lot of pictures...sorry...

1. Thanks to the influence of a certain friend (you know who you are) we spent about a week moving all of our furniture around. Nothing is in the same place it was when we moved in. But now we have room for these:
that's right...Adam and Rachel now have their own space so I don't have to wonder if they're crying because they are kicking each other in the head. (They probably could have stayed in the same crib longer, but I couldn't stand letting the pretty pink bedding go to waste any longer).

2. Now if I hear them cry I can only assume it is because of a different getting teeth! Adam has one fully grown in and another peeking out. I was dreading this milestone but it came and went without trouble and his grin is just as cute as ever!

Not all changes are about the kids...

3. I wasn't online for a few days because the back lighting on the screen of my comp broke, so now I have a new computer! (not really; it just feels like it)

4. My brother might kill me for this, but for the first time in about 7 years I have bangs! They are different than the "o so popular curl in the middle of your forehead ones" (thank goodness) and it took me a few days to get used to having them but now they're great! (once again-sorry no pictures...I'm not sure I'm that brave yet).

I'm happy to report that January has been a productive month! (at least compared to last year when I had bronchitis and was sick and pregnant--I won't say when we took our Christmas decor down but it certainly wasn't in January)...

Here's to a low key February!


The Wehrmeister's said...

I am requesting pictures of your new bangs. I'm sure you aren't too busy to run over to Glamour Shots and get some rockin photos done, so I can see these things for myself.

Rachel B. said...

The nursery looks great. I love that polka dot bedding! That must be so nice for them to have their own bed now. And I think you should post a picture of the bangs too.

MJ/Mom/GrammaJ said...

The vidoes were so cute. Adam was saying Hi back to you for sure! I love the polka dots too. Worth the bucks. How I miss my twinners!

nateandrebecca said...

That must be nice for the twins to both have their own beds now...looks like a good set up to me.

lori said...

Ah, big changes indeed!! Can't wait to see your hair! The rooms/cribs looks great! And I LOVED the pictures with your grandpa. Those are so precious!!!

Miss you guys!

heath said...

So glad you didn't take your Christmas decorations right away. I find that quite endearing. My mom always took Christmas down on New Years day and it always felt kind of depressing.