Tuesday, December 22, 2009

A Need

Right now I feel the need to blog. My kids are napping which means I should be cleaning, washing, showering, wrapping, baking, mailing, working, etc. etc.

But instead I am reflecting. On this post, and this post. And on the Christmas 2 years ago in which we discovered that we would finally be bringing life into the world. We didn't even know then it would be two lives. And how even though we have the same traditions and still work ourselves to death over letters, decor, presents, 12 days, light seeing, parties, baking, and family just like everyone else-that now it seems to have just a bit more of a purpose. A bit more permanence. We are not only enjoying a Christmas season...we are embedding Christ into our family. At least that is the goal. And even when we fall short (read-get angry, make ourselves exhausted and sick, yell at our sick children), the purpose is still there. He is still there. He is the center of it all. And He is the reason that even though I am overwhelmed at keeping up with it all-I can have hope-because it's not all up to me.


heath said...

I sure like you. Thanks for being you.

Shanna said...
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lori said...

Amy - I'm just getting home and reading this. And it is beautiful. Just like you. I love you, friend!

CL/Dad said...

Thanks for expressing in words a shared feeling and memories. You are right on.

The Pagets in Florida said...

I just wanted to compliment your family on not adding extra lights to the tree this year. I think it is a help for those of us who also did not add extra decorations this year.