Monday, July 18, 2011

At Least They Take Turns

It could be a LOT harder to raise these adorable twins, but luckily--they tend tend take turns at whining, misbehaving, being cute, throwing tantrums, etc. Today was no exception. We attempted our first official no diapers potty training day. 
It started with one willing participant (R), and one hysterical accident-prone kid (A).
The day ended with one willing participant (A), and one over tired, pant-soaked kid (R).
Believe it or not, the worst part of the day was sopping up the Gatorade that I spilled after I thought it would be a good motivation drink. It wasn't.
Overall, I call the day successful. Although I'm sure it will be a long time before I'm willing to leave the house without diapers, underwear, wipes, and a change of clothes.

In other news:

Rachel: "I want to take your picture."
Me: (misunderstanding) "you want me to take your picture?"
Rachel: "No, I take a picture. You take a smile."

and while playing with a toy snowman before lunch:
"Mommy, you hold my snowman."
"okay, I'll put him on the table."
"no, it's too hot in here. he needs to go in another room so he doesn't melt"

Adam's favorite new things to say:
"What? What you said"
"What happened to her?" (every time R cries)
"Sorry, Mommy. I didn't mean to do that."
"Sorry about that"

Yeah, seems innocent enough, but...let's just say it's a good thing he's cute.

Speaking of cute--I will post pictures soon enough.


ROAST said...

Funny kids.

jeanine said...

They sound like they keep you busy! You are amazing to be raising twins! I can't even imagine it!

Jeff and Jill said...


Andrea said...

It's definitely bitter sweet to watch kids grow up. They say lots of cute things...