Tuesday, October 16, 2012


I don't know who is happier to have preschool twice a week--me or the kids. I  love that I have time to myself, and they love getting away from me! And I like that someone else taught them how to write their names and cut with scissors. For some reason, those were skills that I did not have the patience for! We are also thrilled that we get to carpool and be in the same class as their good friend Eden. On the first day, the report I got was positive except for the one complaint of "The kitchen girls said no boys allowed!" And a certain stubborn girl has been accused of not doing her work, but a bribe and a talk with the teacher hopefully cleared that up. So here's to hoping they will have fun and learn some stuff and that I can take some naps! :)


jeanine said...

Love those cute kids of yours! Hope you are getting lots of rest!

Jeff and Jill said...

man...i wish i taught them rather than the kids I really do teach!