May 18, 2013
Half a year! We made it! We have made some pretty big changes around here...the swings are gone and the saucers are out.
12 lbs even
wearing 3-6 mo clothes
still just laughs, plays, sleeps, eats, poops, and gets dragged around...
most recently entertains herself with her feet when nothing else is around
These ladies love to pull each other's hair...but otherwise get along just fine
10lbs 11oz
not a huge fan of the saucer, but tolerates it when the big kids dance around her
her favorite toy is her flower
Started growling for fun
We would've started on solids anyway, but our petite babies need to gain more weight, so we really need to get them going on them. However, so far we have not been liking it. Honestly, I don't blame them.
Someday I am going to take a picture of all the little moments throughout the day:
Erica sleeping with her bum in the air. Brooke sleeping with her arms behind her head or her hand over her eyes. Grabbing each others limbs while playing on the floor. Kicking and bouncing while in the saucers. screaming and burping and spitting through bottles. laughing while the big kids entertain them. The tired way they fuss until I put them in their crib and their almost audible sigh and relaxation when I do.
Memory Lane, Ep 8
Happy 8th Birthday, Lucy! (and Dylann :)
You are the best! I'm so glad the babies were born on your half bday :)