Friday, May 10, 2013

Memory Lane Ep 7: 10 Years!

We have been married for 10 years! Happy Anniversary to us!

We got married May 10! We moved into a basement apartment in Provo and went to BYU. Ryan delivered for 5 Buck Pizza. I worked at a security system office.

Disneyland and Punxsutawney, BYU Graduation, Hawaii, Moving to Vegas, the pond, Insurance Agency, Mt. Shadows Ward

Clover, Welcome Home Chad (New York), The Tree, Wes cancer, Ryan starts working for America West (free flights!)

We just traveled: Brazil, Hawaii, Ireland, Italy, Utah, California, Nauvoo, Disneyland and world... AZ, and more! I was YW president and stressed about being out of town so much! But it was free!

More travel of course: Utah, Disneyland, Seattle, North Dakota!, Detroit, St. Louis. Also, my last year at Girls' Camp, the start of fertility treatments, and Ryan's days at the airport come to a close...

Our kids were born! (half of them anyway) And we still managed to go on a hot air balloon, go to disneyland     (twice), and do Christmas like always. We got a new car,and are very thankful we didn't have to deliver a baby in said car....

We raised our kids to be one! And yet we still managed to go to Disneyland and world, and travel to some of our favorite spots. Are you seeing a pattern?

We moved! (still in Vegas), and the kids turned 2, and as a reward we took them on an epic road trip--

We went on a cruise! We potty trained, we lost Wes (can barely write that), and made it another year!

I will remember this as the year that I sat on the couch and let my kids raise themselves due to the next set of twins growing in me! But--turns out we did a lot more than I thought...Preschool and lessons for the kids, Ryan starts tutoring for 2400 Expert, trips to Disneyland, Idaho, the Beach House, Detroit, and Texas.

Only about halfway through, but so far it's been pretty great! (And tiring)

Whew! We made it--It's a Wonderful Life doesn't even begin to cover it...


CL/Dad said...

Wow! 255 pictures and every one of them a treasurable memory. Congratulations on 10 years. Incredible that so much has happened in those 10 years.

jeanine said...

Yea!! Congrats on 10 years! You have done so much and had so many great adventures--glad that we could be part of them :)

Andrea said...

How fun to see all pictures of a family growing. It's funny that you put pictures up in 2003 of you and Ryan dressed up for Halloween because (you probably don't remember) but I saw you guys on campus that day.
Also it looks like you guys go to Disneyland a lot and I would love to get some advice on going there. We've been twice lately but planning another trip in the fall. If we could start an email or facebook discussion on this that would be great. or on facebook is great. :)

nateandrebecca said...

Happy Anniversary! Congratulations on 10 years! Loved looking at these fun pictures and memories!

Jeff and Jill said...

I'm trying to find all the "Cup O' Noodles" In your house pictures. Also, what year was it when Ryan gave Adam a buzz cut in the middle of the night?--oh wait, never mind, I think it's still too early to bring that up. Happy 10th Anniversary on the 10th!

Melanie Maxwell said...

So fun! You guys have been busy! Beautiful family.

ROAST said...

Happy Belated Anniversary. Stupid google reader never put this in my feed.