Friday, October 25, 2013

Halloween: Star Wars Style

Yes, we know we are the coolest family ever. Yes, there are a lot of pictures. But they are awesome. Enjoy!


Jeff and Jill said...

wow-im speechless, and I don't even know star wars that well. What should I be when I come trick or treating with you guys? A space ship? just kidding.

heath said...

Ha, you guys are awesome. Amy, I'm impressed with your face makeup. I would never have the patience to do all that. And at first I thought Brooke was an Ewok, but Royce pointed out that she's Chewbacca. Still cute, but I'm kinda sad she's not an Ewok. Ry, were the babies freaked out by your Darth Vader mask? You guys deserve a Halloween award. I'm so lame I canceled our Halloween breakfast that was supposed to be this morning. Ah well.

jeanine said...

You guys ARE the coolest! Seriously! Henry was Chewbacca too... but I'm never motivated enough to come up with a theme for the whole family. And I'm a total party pooper and never dress up.

Rachel B. said...

Haha. Love it! You guys are awesome! Family costumes are the best. Especially when you have so many little ones who you still have complete say over what they dress up as. Good work, Fitzes!