Saturday, November 22, 2008

Something Different!

Thursday I got the worst night of sleep I've had for a long time. But my kids had nothing to do with it. It is because I went to see the midnight showing of Twilight....It took me all day Friday to recover and I went to bed at 8pm. . .and it was soooo worth it.

dinner at Friday's beforehand


jeanine said...

Fun! So I need to know... what did you think?

jeanine said...

ps. I love your new profile picture... I want to see a bigger version!

Crystal and Billy said...

Awesome, Amy. Stephanie Meyer was in my husband's ward in Phoenix. We're in Arizona for Thanksgiving and saw the show Friday. Stephanie's brothers watched it in the row in front of us. They were wearing "Stephanie Meyer is my sister!" T-shirts. Funny, huh?

I wish I had picked up on the fact that Stephanie was in the restaurant scene, though. I didn't hear that until aftwards. Did you see her? I guess they say "Here's your salad, Stephanie."

Crystal and Billy said...
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