Monday, July 9, 2007

The Best Two Years

It's official: Ryan turned in his badge last week. He is no longer an employee of America West/US Airways.

"Why?" you may ask. We can't begin to give an explanation that won't lead to the response of "you're crazy" so we will just simply say that we knew it was time. Ha-you can't argue with that.

Our very last free flight was coming home from Disneyland, of course. Despite our grand knowledge of this place, we still found plenty of new thrills-standing in line for 3 hours for the re-opened Submarine ride for instance. This year's Disney theme is the Year of a Million Dreams. We were privileged enough to take part of this by getting prime seating for the Fantasmic show-something we had never watched before. And it was great to have my mom with us to show her how to do Disney Fitz style. It was the perfect trip to end our own Year of a Million Dreams, and I do believe there were a few tears shed as we jumped ahead to the employee security line, ordered our First Class peanuts, and deplaned for the last time as important travelers.

These last two years have been spontaneous and unexpected and we have loved every minute of our traveling experiences-okay maybe not. Did we love getting stranded in Rome or praying that we would make the flight to Recife and then jumping through the door as the flight attendant closed it on us? Okay, yes we did. The highlight of our trips was probably our trip to Brasil to visit Ry's mission and spending a few days on the Amazon. I still like to lord over him the fact that his wife could catch 2 piranhas, and he- despite the fish jumping out of the water into the boat -could catch none.

Don't worry though-our adventures are not over. I'm sure that we will still have plenty of travels to add to our Christmas letter (that I'm stepping all over by keeping this blog). We will just have to pay for them instead.

We actually got a taste of that last night when we bought a plane ticket for me to go to Utah...on Southwest!

Gulp. I guess Ry and I are back to sponsoring the official airline of our family.


Alaina said...

Yay! Utah. Tell me for sure when you're coming and if you need a bed you know I'm your five-star hotel!

lori said...

WHEN are you coming to Utah...and will we see you?? :)

Loved this post. Loved all of your flying adventures. Loved hearing about the final free flight to Disneyland!!


Anonymous said...

Oh Ryan retired. I guess that means you guys had to pay for your trip to my wedding...oh well. I guess it will be your first trip as normal travelers. :)