Saturday, July 14, 2007

It has been said that you should do something that scares you half to death everyday

This was mine yesterday:

These are pictures from our first annual Fitzgibbons Family Boat Trip on Lake Mead. I attempted to water ski for the second time in my life, and although I did much better than 12 years ago, I still have yet to feel like I have mastered this sport. It is hard! Jill did a smashing job despite her fears, and of course Ryan showed us all how it's done.
After conquering this feat, we all discovered how fun it can be to be pulled at 40 mph while laying on an inner tube. Hopefully you can sort of tell from the pictures that we all had a great time!
We are hangover today, however, from sore muscles and sunburns (yes Mom, we did reapply-a lot).


lori said...

Ah! I"m so jealous! AFter waterskiing multiple times a summer growing up - I haven't been in like 8 years! Pathetic! I'm glad you guys are representing for me!! Way to to!

jeanine said...

I have never been water skiing! (gasp!) I know... the closest I got was knee boarding which was super fun. It looks like you guys had a blast!

mcampbell said...

Looks like so much fun!

And good luck at girl's camp.

I will pray for no rain.