Tuesday, July 31, 2007

A Classy? weekend in Denver

This weekend Ry and I had the privilege of going to Denver for Allison Hollingsworth's wedding.

It was our first paid flight since the grand exodus from the airport job, but Ry still got the tickets early enough to use his connections for us to sit in
First Class. It was a red eye so we mostly slept, but man I was determined to enjoy that extra leg room.

From here though we rented a car from Dollar and went to stay at the

Star Motel....notice that Star is singular....that's about how many it deserved. But we weren't complaining...we arrived at 5 am so all I cared about was head hitting pillow (I did hesitate ever so slightly though about what could be on that pillow).

Besides an interruption from housekeeping, we slept soundly all through the afternoon only slightly feeling guilty for sleeping the day away and not enjoying Denver. But we reasoned that we were only there for the wedding anyway. Which was held at the

Embassy Suites. (yes, we could have stayed there, but Ry was still in his "standby we don't know if we're going to make it mode so he didn't book a room in time". But oh well. The wedding was beautifully done and we were able to make acquaintance with some of our old Southridge friends...

Rob Thurston (#5 and #17)
Nick and Madeline Kowen (#27?)
Todd and his wife Jenny Eggington (#17)

We had a great time reminiscing about the ceiling falling in, and the toilets leaking on kitchen tables, etc.

Since we had had such a leisurely afternoon, my normal 10pm cranky self was surprisingly awake and Ry and I decided to go search out a midnight showing of The Simpson's movie. We found exactly 1...and had a great time watching. Although I was annoyed with the song "Spider Pig" running through my head all night.

Sunday we decided to get back to being classy so we toured the Denver Art Museum. We both love Art Museums, but I said to Ry, "oh good, you and I will go through this quickly." Don't you hate when you are with someone at a museum and you have to walk through it painstakingly slow because you assume that the other person is really into it, but really they're just staring at the sign thinking, "why on earth are we still staring at this?" but no one has the guts to say anything because you don't want to disturb the sacredness of the moment?

Anyway, I won't go into our views of modern art, but let's just say that we got quite a kick out of the Bubbles exhibit and the giant skull on top of a wagon wheel. But of course, we feel a lot more cultured, so here we are in front of this fabulous display:

After this, we were thoroughly cultured out so we went to my childhood memory of a restaurant Casa Bonita...
for those of you who have never heard of it... you need to. It is the Disneyland of Mexican Restaurants. You stand in line to order and then to get your food and then to be seated hopefully by the waterfall which we were, in order to get a good view of the cliff divers. And then when you have stuffed yourself, you can be entertained by the puppet shows, hitting the pinata, going through Black Bart's cave, the magic show, gift shop, and Arcade. Since we had plenty of time to kill before our flight we spent about 3 1/2 hours in here. But it was worth it since I happened to have a very exciting moment:

Yes, ladies and gentlemen...I threw my ball into the 10,000 pt pocket of skeeball. I think I can now die happy. (Although does it count since this game was titled, Ice Ball?)
I've always said that I have wanted to live in Colorado, and this trip definitely affirmed that desire.


jeanine said...

Sounds like fun! I've never heard of Casa Bonita before but it looks AWESOME. We'll have to see if we can find one nearby. And seeing old Southridge people is fun. No one can really, truely understand Southridge unless they've lived there :)

heath said...

What a great trip! It took me a minute, but then I realized that I recognized all those folks in your pictures. Wow, what a long time ago that was! And I forgot about the toilets making bubbles and dripping--those were amazing! I don't think ours ever dripped, but I have fond memories of Gustavo coming in and popping the thing with a bucket to catch the water.

lori said...

Ah! Southridge!! Fun to see those familiar faces.

Congrats to Allison!

And you went to Casa Bonitas!!! "The Disneyland of Mexican Rest." was the PERFECT description, Amy!!

I have such fond memories of that place!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Congrats on your Skeeball! I say it counts.

Love you!

Anonymous said...

Ah, I did not know that you did not have reservations at the hotel! We had some extra rooms that we could have let you have. But yes, it was a blast! I am so glad that you guys got to come, I just wish that we could have spent more time together. We tried to make the reception where we did not have the recieving line, thus we could spend more time talking to the people that came. Yet I kept getting swept off in other directions, and everyone wanted to talk....ugh it went by really quick. And do I have a story about what happened after we got back to the hotel room (and it is not what you are thinking). It has to do with what Justin did the morning before the wedding that resulted in him having to break into my car, a few fines, and thought he would mention it AFTER the wedding to be safe. :) I will try to give you a call and give you the goods. Although, if you guys would like to see pictures from the wedding, there are 633 that the photographers took at: www.michaeljohnphotography.com then go to "Released Events" and look for me. :) We will get the CDs of the pictures, so if you want any let me know what number and I will email them to you and you can print them at WalMart, etc for like a dime a picture. :) Well I need to get to bed in a bit, hope all is well, I am very glad you guys had a good time. It was great seeing you, and hopefully I will see you again soon!

Anna said...

Amy, I've been to Casa Bonitas too. I think I ate in the exact same place. It was right by the waterfall. I was jsut a kid at the time. I remember waiting in line for 1 1/2 hours before we got to the table. I was right in the middle of my meal when the waterfall show happened. It was so cool until the guy splashed into the water and I got all wet and my plate was a pond of chlorinated water! It was so gross. So for the rest of the meal I was cold (from the wet clothes and AC) and hungry. (Who wants to eat chlorinated watery refried beans? Blah!) Other than that it was a great experience! I'm glad that you had fun.

Anonymous said...

Oh, and Madeline was in 23, and Nick Komen was in 16. :)

lori said...

Thanks for calling, Amy! Can't wait to see you guys in a couple of weeks!

jeanine said...

Thanks Ryan for taking care of Elise and Austin this past weekend!