Sunday, December 16, 2007

April 9, 06-December 16, 07

These are the dates that I have served as Young Women's President. That's right- I very unexpectedly got released today. This is in addition to the 5 months I served as YW secretary and the week plus of assistant camp director. I was going to try to write something poetic and poignant about my time with these girls, but I think it is something I just can't put into words.

It is ironic that the day I got released was also my longest Sunday ever. I was out of the house for 12 hours today (and I cried for about 3 of those):
  • 3 hours of church
  • 2 hours of BYC (if you don't know what that is-just wait till you get the calling)
  • 5 hours of making treats, writing notes, and delivering them to all the girls with my former presidency (ironically planned weeks ago)
  • 2 hours of a very rejuvenating Christmas musical fireside

All I can say is the Lord really is in charge of His church. I would not have chosen this calling for myself, but of course I am a better person because of it. Because of the many girls above and because of the wonderful women below.

There will probably be a day in the future that I will stand and recite "We are daughters of our Heavenly Father who loves us, and we love Him" again, but for now I am grateful for the experience I have had, and am looking forward to the next thing the Lord has in store for me.


heath said...

That's crazy Amy! I can imagine there were definitely some tears. But you're right, the Lord is in charge of His church, so we just move forward trusting. Love you bunches!

The Pagets in Florida said...

So, you were left callingless?

Rachel B. said...

I bet those girls loved you! I always thought that would be such a fun calling...busy, but fun. I bet you were amazing for the time you were in there. I always get scared for what my next calling will be after I've been released from something. The good news for you is that your next one can't get much busier than that...unless they call you to the stake young women's presidency of course. :)

ROAST said...

For some reason the pictures aren't working on my computer which makes me sad.

Lindsay said...

I only served in our YW presidency for about 5 months, but I loved every minute of it and I, too, cried when I was suddenly released. Those girls, as catty and bizarre as they sometimes can be, really are very sweet and loving. And I miss them.

I'm sure your girls LOVED you. How could they not? :) And for quite a few of them, I'm sure, you will ALWAYS be the one they think of when in the future they look back to their days in Young Women.

Heather said...

Like everyone else has said I am sure that you were wonderful and those girls will remember you when they are put into YW presidencies.

I must agree with you and Heath, this is the Lord's church and He know what He is doing with His church. We just have to sit back and watch/wait for the next calling. I too would have never have thought of me being in the position that I am now but I love every minute of it and know that I am suppose to be there for a reason.

Hope you enjoy the rest of your holiday season.

jeanine said...

Wow! I can't believe it! I'm sure those girls loved you... how could they not. Now you just need to transfer your brain to mine so I can take all your good YW ideas!

mcampbell said...

Oh, wow! So unexpected. I'm sure it comes with so many different emotions.

Here's to your beautiful YW and your great service, and to the next phase of life. Love you.

lori said...

Ah! Amy! What bitter-sweet news! Callings are so life-changing, aren't they??! I'm so glad you had this opportunity! I'm sure you were a wonderful, wonderful influence on those beautiful young ladies!!

We love you and can't wait to hear what will come next!

Alaina said...

Bittersweet was the word I chose, too! Along with "Freedom!" You were awesome, without a doubt.