Sunday, March 30, 2008

Mom's in Trouble

...for posting about the gender of our babies on her blog before I got the chance to do it here! So for those of you who haven't gone poking around, and still get to hear the announcement from us- here you go...

Baby A is a definite male.

Baby B is still being quite shy, but the educated guess of all involved has revealed it to be a female. If we get a different result in a few weeks-joke's on you-we still get 2 kids :)

So we will have our share of emotions, and hormones and a good mix of He-Man and My Little Pony or whatever the equivalent of those are these days.

And we will need lots of support and advice from those of you who have dealt with either of the A or B variety.

I only have a picture announcing It's a Boy! and no It's a Girl! picture yet, but I have refrained from posting lest it be deemed as "creepy".

I don't know who is more excited-me (for obvious reasons), Ryan (who is thrilled not to have to bless 2 babies of the same gender), Annette (the only other girl in the family), Gpa Fitz (who is glad the Fitz name has a chance to continue), or Gma Jean (who will probably leave Gpa Clyde broke as she buys every cute baby thing known to man ((trying hard to be equal, but probably a bit more biased towards pink))).

And no, we don't have names!


heath said...

Yay, yay! I was right! I have a really good set of names for you. But, I don't think I should leave it over the blog lest someone with either name reads and then feels badly about themselves.

The Pagets in Florida said...

I too chose not to post the pictures of our children being obviously boys in the ultrasound. So, Thank you.

jeanine said...

Yea! How exciting! One of each... so fun!

wes said...

You mean you're not set on a little Amy and a Ryan jr? =) That is the most fabulous news we've heard in a long time! Expect a call from us soon.

MJ/Mom/GrammaJ said...

OOPS! I am in big trouble. As I wrote in detail about my fabulous grandchildren I had a sudden thought that I did not want Amy to feel left out so I talked about her babies. Because I am an idiot much of the time it did not dawn on me that the news was not all out yet. Grandpa Clyde mentioned it this morning but before I could delete it off the blog some of you had already seen it.(Don't you have too much to do on Sunday to be blog hopping?)
So, I am in the dog house but thanks to a sweet daughter she has already forgiven me and made her own announcement. Her father taught her well - the best defense is a good offense, so she did her own blogging. In this case, I was just offensive, period!
Can you blame me? After all, it is earth shattering news and I lost my head!

mcampbell said...


I'm so excited! A boy and a girl--perfect.

I'll be thinking of some good names--though I think Amy and Ryan Jr sounds great. :)

The Wehrmeister's said...

So fun! By the way it was great seeing you, You look so tiny! I would never had guessed you had twins in your tummy. I'm also jealous that if your tummy get's bigger and some offensive person points at you and says "Do you have twins in there?" That you will get to say "Yes I do!" Oh and as far as names go, I vote Jennifer, for either child, it's a gender neutral name.

Heather said...

I was hoping that you were going to let us know what you were having. Asked Truman's about it last night. Glad to see that the looks are for one of each. I will tell you this, boys and girls are on complete opposite ends of the spectrum, at least at our house. Good luck!!!

Rachel B. said...

That is so cool and I swear every girl's dream growing up.

Allison Hollingsworth Deming said...

Wow, I found out before a lot of other people - I did not know that. :) I am glad the only person I told was Justin...keep myself out of trouble. I just vote for shorter first names, only because I grew up with a long last name like yours...and it is not fun filling out bubble sheets when your name does not fit by one letter!

The Pagets in Florida said...

I agree with Jenny. Gender neutral names like Aaron or Erin or both would be great for twins. Or if they are both boys, you could name them on account of Ryan's fire tendency/christmas light display. Something fitting might be Jose and Jos-b (hose A and hose B).

The Pagets in Florida said...

Ok, so my wife didn't get it. Hose A and Hose B would be associated with the hoses on the fire engines. Sorry. Jokes that need explaining are not good jokes, I guess.

Heather said...

pagets in florida, I understood your joke and I thought it was funny!!!

When it comes to names though I will agree with a longer last name a shorter first name is always nice, but whatever you think is great is great.

nateandrebecca said...

Hurray! What exciting news! Congratulations and have fun coming up with names! :)

lori said...

Still smiling so big!!!

Lindsay said...

Hooray! One of each! Perfect.

Ron said...

YES! A BOY! You can't go wrong starting with a boy.

He-Man has withstood the test of time, in my opinion. You can't go wrong with any old toys Ryan might still have. And on that note Adam would be a great name (He-Man's alter ego, for the uninitiated)

ROAST said...

Amy's already committed to giving me her first born child....wait I mean naming her child after me, so you'll definitely have a Royce. And if you are going with Rhyming and the other is truly a girl it could be Joyce! There ya go. Think no longer upon the manner.

As for creepiness I already said that fake alien babies=creepy, ultrasounds=not as creepy.

Btw Heather and I heard of a place in North Dakota (I think?) called Carhenge. I think we should definitely put this golden gem on the RV trip. I just looked it up it turns out its in Nebraska.