Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Third Times a Charm

So far we have tried to go to Disneyland with these guys twice this year. (if you count New Year's Eve as this year). We finally made it happen on Leap Day. Sorry to the rest of you who couldn't be there. It was a fabulous 20 hour day at the Happiest Place on Earth.

Only the boys were willing to get this wet at 5pm in 60 degree weather without sweatshirts.Just as Heather commented, "We haven't seen Mickey yet," there they both were in all their glory. I take credit for spotting them first, but Royce gets the prize for leaping over small children to make sure we were first in line for the picture. Surprisingly, there still were several who managed to get their autograph books signed before us.

Actually, for those of us who have spent quite a bit of time at the Magic Kingdom (people were confusing Ry for a tour guide), we had some great adventures on Saturday exploring the streets of Hollywood. You should have seen Ry's great driving skills to get us to our destination in time after a 40 mile detour (curse the CA highways). I can't give the experience justice, but we were in a hurry to put our names into a lottery to win Wicked tickets. With only 5 minutes to spare, Ry dropped us off at the curb without slowing down, found a parking spot, put quarters in a meter, went back for Heather's purse, ran across the street, went back to help up the old lady he knocked down, and got his name into the lottery with about 10 seconds to spare. We didn't win, but it sure was great cheering for everyone else who did. (And Ry was glad he didn't actually have to sit through hours of a musical.)

This is us posing in front of the only star whose celebrity name we recognized. (or the one right by our car).

The rest of the day (after a few more u-turns and traffic jams) was spent with Royce's friends in Burbank. And Ryan got to fulfill one of his dreams by meeting and conversing with a real life Disney Imagineer. However, due to a confidentiality clause, the conversation didn't get much past his favorite color.

Although it was sad to leave, we still enjoyed a few adventures on the way home. I'm sure most of you recognize this world's largest thing that tells temperature in Baker, CA. It actually dropped a degree while standing there. We also made quite a spontaneous stop in Palmdale, but I'm afraid that will have to be a mystery for now.

To add to our weekend fun, we also had a fun lunch visit with Ron and Marji. Ry actually got pretty close to his "usual" at the Harvest Cafe. We'll be sure to keep you posted on that. And Sunday night was spent with our friends Jeremy and Juli who were visiting from Florida. So thank goodness for the extra day in February this year-otherwise we wouldn't have been able to pack it in.


heath said...

Amy, thanks for doing so much justice to our trip! Now I don't have to post about it. You summed it up perfectly. I'm so glad we finally made it--you guys are the best. So, so fun!

And I love that you won't call it a thermometer!

Kate said...

As far as I can tell you two are crazy about trips! I love it!! i wish we could go on a vacation as much as you guys do! What a fun life you guys have together.

Lindsay said...

Disneyland?! I can only think of two words: luck eee!!

Glad you had fun. Oh, and I don't think I ever told you this, but I so enjoyed your Christmas letter. I laughed till I cried. And then I had to read it out loud to Blake so we could BOTH laugh till we cried. :)

ROAST said...

That was a pretty funny post, and we got SOAKED on that ride, but not until that stupid fountain at the end.

lori said...

I've been waiting and waiting for someone to post about this trip!!!

Thanks for all of the details - can't wait to hear more of them in person.

We love you guys and are WAY SAD we couldn't make it!

(We're still toying with the thought of taking Lucy in early May. Don't know if we can swing it...$$$$...but if we CAN, are you game?)

jeanine said...

Sounds like you had a blast! I'm super jealous!

MJ/Mom/GrammaJ said...

What a fun trip and you all look fantabulous and happy as clams. It reminds me of our great trip there last june. It was a blast. Love you

Ryan said...


You make me laugh. Are we game? Ha ha ha :) That's great.

The Wehrmeister's said...

You guys always have the best trips! It makes me want to come out and visit just so I can go on a classic Amy and Ryan adventure!

lori said...

Don't know why I even asked, Ry =)

Alaina said...

I feel like I'm reading the Christmas Newsletter and it's only one weekend! WHEW! You guys have energy :)

nateandrebecca said...

Looks like a blast! I'm glad you had fun!

The Wehrmeister's said...

Amy, Rumor has it you will be in STL soon??

Unknown said...

Yes, as long as the universe stays aligned we will be in StL for Easter

mcampbell said...

Can I just say that you look lovely in the picture by the Hollywood Star. That pink is so pretty on you.

Sounds like so much fun! Good to talk to you last week.

The Wehrmeister's said...

Well since I am in charge I will make sure to hold the universe in place for another week.

ROAST said...

Lets see if you guys can get 40+ comments on your next post. ;-)