Wednesday, July 16, 2008

One Month (and a day)

It's so unbelievable that the kids are a month old I hardly know what to say about it. But a picture speaks a thousand words anyway...
If he looks chubby-that's because he is 4 lbs 3 oz!
Rachel is 3.14-exactly one pound later...
Gma Jones is here visiting this week. The kids have enjoyed getting to know their great gma...
They both received blood transfusions this week (routine and expected) and had eye exams today. Although it was hard to watch them go through so much drama they handled things well and are doing well.
And-the biggest news of all-they both got to try eating from a bottle today! They both did reasonably well for their age, and will gradually increase their feeds as they get older.

So...despite being overly tired and mean to everyone around me, I am doing well and we are a happy family! Hard to imagine what the next month will bring, but we'll find out soon enough :)


ROAST said...

This is Heather--So glad to hear an update! They are doing so great--I am happy. Your comment about being tired made me think how tired you're going to be for the next year or so. Sorry to bring that up, but I can't imagine having two babies waking up in the middle of the night! So hard, but what a blessing.

ROAST said...

Only 43 more days until you give birth, even though they are now 1 month old!

jeanine said...

YEA!!! Wow... 1 month already!

And Heather's right... when those babies come home you're going to be even MORE tired! REST UP!

Heather said...

They are adorable and you look great. Yeah for the accomplishment of eating out of a bottle. Such small milestones can mean sooo much to a new mother!

Mrs. Cropper said...

i've just been catching up on all the baby news and pics. They are BEAUTIFUL and you guys are amazing.

Mizukawa's said...

Amy I am so happy that things continue to improve. Hey I know that you are not getting much sleep because I think you made a comment at like 3:00 in the morning. The sleep will get better but I am still a little grumpy :)

Rachel B. said...

They're so cute. I love how they're starting to chunk out. I'm so glad to hear everything is going so well. And I think being overly tired and mean to everyone sounds very reasonable for you! I'm that way sometimes even without a good excuse.

Broderick Clan said...

The babies are so cute! I can't believe it's been a over a month! You are a trooper! One day at a time!

DeAnna Packer said...

Love the beautiful music...The treasures in the hospital...and the feelings of the heart that accomany this blog..... Such beautiful miracles. The Packers send continuing love and prayers...

Melanie said...

Hey...This is Melanie Thayne...from Southridge. I saw the link to your blog from Michelle Hayes' blog. Your twins are so adorable. Congratulations! My youngest was born with a heart condition, among other complications. He's 11 months now but I've done the NICU and the PICU, feeding tubes (still doing that), oxygen (periodically still doing it), hospital visits, etc. I know what it's like to come home without a baby...or two in your case...but it will be worth it the day they come home. Catch up on your sleep since you won't get much when they do come home. If you want to check us at, we are at We will be praying for your little ones!