Monday, July 7, 2008

Week 3...

has been a busy one.

Tuesday night we got a message from our nurse who told us that our kids graduated to the lower level nursery! They still will get the same care and medications, but it meant that they were the "most stable" in the Level 3 NICU. Hooray!

Wednesday meant that Gma Jean went home. I thought maybe I was ready to handle things by myself, but after the last 5 days of waking up alone, washing bottles, folding laundry, grocery shopping and dishes on no sleep-I am definitely ready to have her back. Ryan has done a great job at stepping up though. He is living up to his end of the bargain to do the laundry if I change the diapers. (Don't be fooled-he has changed his share of diapers too)

On the 4th we showed up at the hospital at just the right time so we were able to have both kids out at the same time. So here is our first "family picture."

Sunday brought my first full day back at church, and also a release from primary. I am grateful for the break, but I will definitely miss my class. I still have one more week to say good-bye though since their new teacher will be out of town and I will substitute.

And....tonight we had a monumental FHE- we were able to give the kids their first real baths! Unfortunately, we don't have any documentation for this because it took all four of our hands to do it! Even though Rachel has the reputation for powerful lungs, it was Adam that cried through the whole thing. Rachel just stayed happy and wide eyed the entire time. And then we sent them to bed...And that's exactly where I need to be headed.

These pics are for Gma Jean-Rachel was happy to pose in her first outfit for you.


Unknown said...

Ryan and Amy, I love your twins. I'm so excited for you both to be parents, and I'm so excited for Rachel and Adam to get to come home with you. Congratulations on some great children.

MJ/Mom/GrammaJ said...

You are the best! Yes, I really needed a baby "fix" They are so cute in their blankies and clothes. I do miss seeing their cute bellies. And I miss Rachel's heart bandages! Maybe you could make a special request. So funny how a simple thing is so feminine for her. I LOVED seeing you both holding them all together. I so wish I could be there. Love and kisses.

Katrina said...

Amy, I love the family picture. You all look so good! Congratulations on the monumental move...I'm so thrilled your babies are doing so well. Thanks for keeping us updated and posting pictures! Love all of you!

Heather said...

YEAH!!! It's amazing how the smallest and simplest things can bring such joy! Congratulations on the improvement in the NICU.

heath said...

So, so great to see how well they are doing. Love the family pic. Love you guys!

ROAST said...

3 weeks old, and yet there is still 52 days until they are born?

Sounds like having kids makes you super busy!

lori said...

oh hooray for an update! We've been sad about the phone tag. LOVE those little babies of yours. DYING to see them (and you) in real life!

nateandrebecca said...

Yay! Glad the twins are doing so well! And glad to hear that Ryan is helping with things...good luck with being so busy! If we weren't so far away, I would volunteer to help with what I could...

jeanine said...

So glad to hear so much good news! I've been dying for an update :)

ps. It looks as though you had "The Host" tucked away in your bag in that family picture. How are you liking it?

The Knouse's said...

Your babies are absolutely beautiful. I hope you don't mind me sneaking a peak...I got your blog info from another friend's blog. Once upon a time ago, in high school, I hung out with Ryan and his friends. When my husband was born, he weighed 1 lb. 6 oz. It is incredible how much medical science has progressed since then. Congratulations and best wishes! Candace K.

Livingstons said...

What a fam! For being such different twins, I still can't tell them apart in your arms :) Those eyes are just precious. Hang in there, your mommy will be back...

The Wehrmeister's said...

They are getting even bigger!! I love all the pictures. Try to get some rest Amy.

Unknown said...

Jeanine...I laughed out loud when I read your comment...I finished it in about 2 days. I was skeptical at first, but was a huge fan by the end.

Candace-welcome! feel free to comment anytime.

Thanks for the love everyone.

Crystal and Billy said...

Congratulations, Amy! Glad to hear the little ones are doing well!

Mary said...

I loved your comment that you couldn't get pictures of the baths because you didn't have any hands left to take the pictures ... that made me laugh - so true! My twins will be 3 in August. I am touched to look at your blog and the memories come flooding back ... so hard to remember they start so small. What cute little blessings you have!

ps) I'm your SIL Jenny's friend, and I think we were in the same ward or lived in the same apartment complex at BYU (Regency) ... I just got this link from Jenny's blog and couldn't help taking a peek at your new arrivals. ;)