Sunday, April 26, 2009

On to a Better Place

Sam entered our lives in December of '02--before our little family was even established. He's alive and well, but we decided that being cooped up in our stinky small acquarium was not the life for our first pet. So we boxed him up and drove him to a nice little park full of other red ear slider turtles. We were sad at first to give him up, but after the many scratches inflicted and other unmentionable acts on the drive there, we were almost happy to see him race to the water and immediately dive in. Within seconds there were not 1, but 3 turtles that emerged out of the water we think to welcome him there. Good-bye Sam. We will miss you. But we won't miss cleaning up after you!


jeanine said...

Glad that Sam has moved on to a happier place...

heath said...

Kind of sad. But glad that he's not dead, like I originally thought with your title.

nateandrebecca said...

Like Heather, I originally thought Sam was dead when I read the title. I bet he will be happier at his new home.

ROAST said...

That's funny. Especially the pictures of Sam with the kids.

lori said...

oh, Sam! Glad he's found a new family. My most vivid Sam memories are from your Provo house.

Love the pictures with the kids!

And it looks like a fun reunion! How crazy to think of all that drama almost a year ago (your children are almost a year old. That is INSANITY.)