Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Meet the Goob

Uncle Kev has affectionately dubbed Adam "Goobs" from Meet the Robinsons. After this week, the resemblance is official...


heath said...

That's awesome. It's kind of fun to look like a cartoon character, but it depends on which one; there was a sister missionary I served with that looked like Izma from the Emperor's New Groove.

Heather said...

The joys of being a boy! My boy has permanent bruises on his head, or at least that is what it seems like.

nateandrebecca said...

How funny!

The Pagets in Florida said...

Hopefully he outgrows it. Sarah had the nickname Poopsy. Needless to say, it was Poopy to me.

Kelly said...

And this is why he is my favorite. He is so adorable. Also, I just want to thank you for my cameo appearance in the Christmas letter. My 2009 goals (and my lifelong dreams) were all accomplished in that. Gracias.

Mizukawa's said...

ya that seems to happen a lot. I was blog checking and the thing you guys hung on the Delamonts door cracked me up. Good one guys. miss you Julie