Saturday, December 31, 2011


I just read my post from last new years. I am happy to know that I was so prophetic. 2011 was really jam packed with a lot of noteworthy things, but not too many of them are happy and uplifting, so I am more than happy to move into 2012. And I am glad that all I resolved to do was sustain and maintain. I barely achieved that.
This year I'm feeling a bit more ambitious. I'm planning on being more vibrant, and more energized to live my life. I will focus on PRIORITIES. God, my husband, my children, myself. I figure I can't really go wrong with that. And I am planning on being JOYFUL about all of it.
Bring on 2012!

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Halloween 2

How do you carve pumpkins with two three year olds without getting slimy or making a mess in your house? You go to Trader Joes and get a FREE pre gutted pumpkin and give the kids dull carving knives. 

I did most of it, but Rachel carved this one spot for about 5 minutes.  She would NOT  let me take the knife from her

The one and only time she has gotten her face painted, and the guy had to have a skeleton mask on. Great.

Nursery Graduation

 Today was our kids' last day of nursery at church. Starting in January, they will officially be in the Sunbeam class. (I know--how did that happen?) So today, they had a little graduation. And yes, I cried the instant I saw them.
"Okay, I'll wear this and I'll go to this thing, but I don't have to be happy about it."

"I'll do anything for a sunbeam cookie"

"Yes, I'm still wearing this."

Adam gets his certificate from the Bishop

"Oh, finally someone gave me something I can play with"

I have shy kids, but I'm so glad that I have the only kid who will sing. We could hear Adam and one other kid while the rest stared blankly during their performance

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Halloween 1

We did a lot of Halloween stuff this year.I've already lost track of most of it. I complain about vegas a lot in terms of not having any family friendly things to do. But they came through at Halloween time.
Our first thing was a visit to the Gilcrease orchard to get pumpkins. The hay maze, apple cider doughnuts, and coloring projects were an extra good bonus too.

We didn't plan on staying as long as we did, and I didn't bring snacks. So we went to chipotle and the kids ate much more than I did!

Friday, November 11, 2011

Just For Laughs...

Adam colored on his Cars chair with ink pen. I was explaining that it wouldn't come out.
Later, while reading the Book of Mormon I was trying to explain what baptism is. I said that we get clean like Jesus wants us to do. He said, "Maybe Jesus can clean my chair! I think he can, Mom!"

I think he can too, bud.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Rachel's Interview (9/1)

Adam's Special Day

 For Adam's Special Day this year we went back to the Summerlin Hospital and visited the NICU where our parenthood adventure began. We brought some blankets by and gave them to a family who just had 27 week boy/girl twins. I know Adam and Rachel didn't understand this outing, but someday they will and I don't want them to ever forget how precious their lives are and these special people who took care of them 24 hours a day for 3 months.

 The kids definitely had more fun running around outside. We did too. Even though it was August, it was a really nice day.

 We went to get ice cream, and then opened Adam's present. They use these alligator puppets at story time and the kids love them. So I found ones that are exactly the same.

 And...once upon a time we made these plates for our family to always use on birthdays and special occasions and such. They didn't come in time for Adam's day, but here is the boy one, and we'll use it next time :)

We did a video interview with him, but it didn't upload. So enjoy this one instead and hopefully I can get the other one to work later...ok it should be at the top.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Reunion #2

Dr. Wilkes also helped get my kids here. When you are pregnant with twins, you get to go to the doctor a lot more often. Like every 2 weeks. And so you get to know each other pretty well. So we got to have another "doctor party". Too bad it was almost 100 degrees in October. But the kids could have ridden on this slide all day long...

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Reunion #1

This is Dr. D. He is the man responsible for getting our kids here. And every year, he has a big party for all "his kids". We love him!
 Face Painting, Pony Rides, a Petting Zoo, and Bouncy I need to say how much we loved this party?!


Adam as a dog? R has only consented to face painting once. But now, I think she is finally a fan.

Our kids were among the hundreds of twins at this reunion. But they were by far the cutest