Monday, July 23, 2012

The Fourth

We had a very fun, and very rainy Fourth of July. We always go see family in Mt. Charleston, but this time we got rained out and forced inside. No one seemed to mind though. 
With a second? you can see Adam will have no problem having more sisters

 It was cold enough, that we were enticed to get some hot chocolate. Definitely have never done that in July before!
Then we headed to the grandparent's house to enjoy sparklers and fireworks. As much as we love them, we mostly went because they always have spectacular fireworks on their street.

 As you can see, it was a very fun filled day--Rachel asked at about 10 if she could go to bed...I was happy to fulfill that request!
Despite all of the fun, our hearts and minds were definitely thinking of freedom and sacrifice and blessings, and this dear friend. We love Independence Day!


My mom and I have been planning this trip for years, and we finally pulled it off...we met in Utah and then drove another 400 miles to see our long time friends. Not just any friends. Members of our St. Louis family that we miss a lot a lot. This was the first time that Mama Larsen as I call her got to meet my kids. And Katrina and I are pregnant at the same time-again. Needless to say, it was quite the reunion, and I'll post other pictures if/when I get them. But these are the ones I have...

These girls matched by accident...even their shoes matched. I guess  we shop at the same stores :) And it made me pretty excited to have two girls...

Probably won't be able to get away with this much longer, but isn't that cute?

Katrina made these shirts for us. I love them!  If I had the energy, I would link to the last pregnant picture we took together. Very fun.

And these ladies started it all 30 years ago...they certainly deserve to be queens~

 We stayed with my gpa in Salt Lake and had 3 days of swimming, family, hiking, playing, tennis, the park, rockets, and more...I was able to get in a lot of rest since Gpa Clyde was in full playing mode. I really appreciated that!

I survived a 10 day road trip (mostly by myself)! We got in a little trouble on the way home when they closed the 15 due to fires, but thanks to my husband and google, we got home okay albeit 3 hours after we were supposed to.


Ryan's cousin got married. It was really fun to go and see them and other family. Rachel loved getting dressed up. If you remember, she has often gotten Mary and "married" mixed up. So when I told her we were going to a wedding, she very sweetly and almost reverently asked, "Are Jesus and Joseph going to be there?" Oops. I didn't know what to say. It was too sweet!

4 generations

There was an indoor pond. Doesn't get any better than that

 It was an almost perfect wedding...great people, great food, great entertainment, until...Adam decided to trip and bite through his tongue...poor guy! But even that was pretty perfect...he didn't get a drop of blood anywhere, and he stopped crying relatively quickly for him, and we didn't have to go to the ER on a weekend. We knew enough from past experience that tongues heal well and sure enough, within a week it was good as new. Whew!

Congrats to the bride and groom!

They are Four!

I always said that if the kids made it till four, then I will consider that I survived the hard part of having twins. This is not at all accurate, but it does make me feel better on a day to day basis. I am always humbled on their birthday because it reminds me of their early arrival into the world. I'm secretly grateful that I didn't have to endure my third trimester in the Vegas summer, but only in retrospect. These guys were soooo excited for this birthday! They didn't care what they did-they just wanted a cake and for people to yell surprise! :) Normally, I would have made their cake myself, but my pregnant self is very grateful that I didn't have to. We had their party at the Lied Discovery Museum in the "cone room". Ryan was very excited about that fact. And these guys were thrilled all day long...
She wore these earrings all day...we are on the hunt for some more if anyone has any  clip on store suggestions...we can't find them anywhere

They had a choice of activity...I steered them into the face painting direction.  They seem happy about that.

Adam knew just what to do with his shoes...TSA would be so proud :)

I wish I could capture and report all of the hilarious, tender and adorable four year old moments they have had in the last month. It has been amazing to see them grow and change and develop into real people with personality. (Granted, there have been plenty of defiant and frustrating moments also :)  I am one happy mama!