Thursday, July 5, 2007

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

Well, after eagerly finishing this 6th book in anticipation of the last I have come to a few conclusions:

1. I still believe Snape is good despite all of the evidence against him. I also believe that he was following Dumbledore's orders to kill him.

2. I believe that the possible Horcrux's are:

  1. The Diary- destroyed by Harry

  2. The Ring-destroyed by Dumbledore

  3. Hufflepuff's cup- see page 436

  4. Syltherins' locket- see page 437- almost recovered by Harry and Dumbledore. RAB I believe to be Regulus Black-Sirius brother who was killed by Voldemort after refusing to return to his service.

  5. Nagini-Voldemort's snake made into a Horcrux when he killed the Muggle caretaker-see page 506

  6. Something of Ravenclaw's or Gryffindor's: I believe the goblin made tiara Mrs. Weasley is willing to let Fleur use for the wedding-see page 623. Or I believe it to be one of Sirius' possessions that Mundungus has stolen-see pages 345-6.

  7. Voldemort himself of course

3. Kreacher has left Hogwarts and gone to Bellatrix to divulge the Order's secrets. Harry made a similar mistake as Sirius when he said, "Get out of it"-see page 453

4. Dumbledore is dead of his own accord-but he will still communicate with Harry somehow in the 7th book

5. Despite his friends all being there to help him (pg. 651) he will face Voldemort completely alone, and that more significant parental figures of Harry's will need to die (like Lupin?)

So there you go-feel free to disagree with me and we'll all see what happens in a few weeks!


heath said...

Wow, you pay more attention to the details in these things than I do. I haven't even begun to make any conclusions. I'm just waiting for her to tell me what happens without making any guesses of my own. Most of your conclusions sound logical though.

lori said...

I've got to get back in the Harry Potter mindset. It's been too long!

Anonymous said...

Well, I agree that Dumbledore will be able to communicate with harry.. I assume that it will be from the portrait of himself in the headmistresses office at Hogwarts. Also, I still think that Harry will have to kill himself to kill Voldemort. No evidence on that, just a hunch

jeanine said...

After so many books of hating Snape I really finally liked him in this one... so I have to believe that he is good. I also think that Dumbledore will be able to communicate with Harry somehow. I think Eric is on to something with the "Harry will have to kill himself to kill Voldemort" theory.

Alaina said...

Yeah, Harry's gonna die. Just like poor Peter Petrelli.

Impressive, Amy!

Anonymous said...

I think that Harry will have to die because he is going to be the final Horcrux. Think about it, if you are a Dark Lord with only one person who you think can bring you down, what do you do? You make it to where if they do kill you - you can still live. Thus if Harry were to kill Voldemort, he could live on...through Harry. This would only work if Harry did not know he was a Horcrux, but I think that if this is the case - he will know, and sacrifice himself.(If you think of the possibility of Harry being a Horcrux, it could explain a lot of small things in previous books - things he heard, saw, felt, etc...and would explain why the Death Eaters were not allowed to kill him at the end of book six.)

I also believe that Snape is not entirely bad, but may be looking out for himself. The reason that he killed Dumbledore was because he had to keep his oath to Mrs. Malfoy - without doing that I have a feeling that there would have been problems. It also protects Draco from becoming purely evil. They say several times that if you use unforgivable curses it changes you forever - I think that Snape even says this. With him being a previous Death Eater, I am not sure it would do as much to him. But I also believe that Dumbledore knew he was going to die...but was a bit shocked that it was Snape who killed him. Any thoughts?