Sunday, July 15, 2007

Just Keep Swimming...

is the tune I have had in my head all week as I have prepared to go to Girls Camp. I leave tomorrow bright and early. But I feel like I have been there already since for the last 7 days as I have been eating, drinking, walking, talking, and dreaming of nothing but camp. My lists were outrageous. I always had a pen in my hand. I would wake up and write down 3 more things to get. I couldn't take a shower without mentally adding to my checklist. I even involved my sweet husband in my madness: "potholders and red vines" I told him to write down as I sunk my head into the pillow one night. As I awoke the next morning I was very grateful for him because I had remembered the red vines, but could not come up with pot holders for the life of me until I saw his note on the fridge.

In addition, I feel like I have become an artist and an elementary school teacher over night. Here are some of the projects I have been working on this week that I am PRAYING don't get ruined by rain. Please pray that it won't rain this week on us. Please!

Our theme is Australia and we threw in a little Finding Nemo in there as well. I have made:

Water bottles with every one's name
designed a label that I ironed on tote bags (more ironing than I've done in a year)
made poster after poster complete with our very own East Australian Current
and much much more.

The most exciting thing is that because of all of this I have been able to talk my husband into getting a laminating machine which is my school supply organizational freak dream come true. I have had way too much fun with that thing.

So I have off for an adventurous week. I am actually very excited. We have a total of 16 girls going which is awesome for us. I will miss the blogging world, but it's worth it to see the girls camp testimony meeting. There's nothing quite like em.

On a side note, also this week as I have been obsessed with clown fish and sea turtles, we have made an exciting addition for our very own live turtle Sam. He has a new home! He is much happier and we are much happier that he doesn't make the house smell as much!


Lindsay said...

Ah, Girl's Camp. Good times, good times. Can't wait to hear a full report at the end of the week! Have lots of fun!

heath said...

Hope it's such a fun time. I can't believe all the work you've gone to though! I'm sure you'll be relieved when it's over!

lori said...

Yeah - I can't wait to hear how camp goes either!! Your projects look FABULOUS! Those girls are going to have tons of fun!!

And congrats on the new tank, Sam! Wish we could come down for a house warming party!

Love you! Wishing you clear skies and minimal teenage girl drama this week!!

Ryan, you got any fun bachelor plans?

mcampbell said...

Wow. What a job. It looks like those girls will have so much fun! Of course, there will have to be the required amount of drama, but may it be small and something funny to laugh about later. :) Good luck, Amy--I know it'll be awesome, since you were involved. Can't wait to hear how it goes...

jeanine said...

Good luck Amy! Your projects look awesome!!! And I am totally jealous that you have a laminator!

Unknown said...

well I am back and there of course will be a full report to come...michelle you nailed it...we had the expected amount of drama, but it wasn't all from the teenagers! Mostly though of course. I had a great week, but I am super glad to be home. Even though I came home to the house looking exactly like it did when I left--right down to the butter knife on the table where I had made my pbj sandwich at 6am....sigh. I still love you husby even though you're a slob

Alaina said...

Hahaha I like your note to Ryan.

Congratulations on an amazing girls camp! I read that post and my eyes got bigger and bigger in wonder-woman amazement. You are a miracle! Those girls are lucky to have you.