Friday, July 27, 2007

Muggle Life

Thanks, Lori for reminding me that real life is much better than fiction. I am procrastinating as I sit here looking at my stacks of dishes, piles of laundry, dirty carpet, empty fridge, half packed suitcases, chipped toenails, and unused treadmill. But I am grateful for all of these things because it means that I have:

a great husband
great friends and family
wonderful teenagers that teach me a lot about life
a house to clean after I get it messy
Books to get lost in
places to travel to

and a faith to rely on

But now I really do have to get going to all of those things because I have EEK! guests coming at 5 and a plane to catch at 10!

But first, would like to recap some of my favorite girls camp adventures:

  1. It didn't rain!!!! Thank you thank you thank you!
  2. The latrines did not smell/look nearly as bad as they have in the past...and I actually got the girls to clean them this time!
  3. We didn't have to cook...the stake did it this year...leaving me more time to
  4. bond with the should've heard them when I said that they could do my eye liner Egyptian style and my hair Scene style...whatever that means
  5. one girl from another ward said that I was her favorite leader ever...come on, how could you not like that?
  6. We won the spirit stick the first day...and stole it the 2nd day...something that hadn't happened in 5 competitive nature had to like that
  7. I got to witness the miraculous recovery of a girl with huge medical problems after a priesthood blessing
  8. Did I mention that it didn't rain?
  9. I got to know lots of other leaders that I'm sure will be great friends
  10. I learned that even the most sweet and quiet girls can be mean! and that when you are stuck together all week that your true colors really come out. I learned that I could pull myself on a zip line that was running too slowly. But most importantly, I learned that no matter how many times I bear my testimony to my girls that they will never stop needing to hear it. And that praying for a tent crammed full of 14 girls is one of the sweetest experiences I will ever have.

I've always been a big believer in Third Times a Charm and sure enough, this third year of camp was probably the best ever! It didn't rain!

Katie is used as the model here
My transformation was not as dramatic

There really are 14 of them in there!

And now...I officially trudge back to normal life. And I am happy, mostly, to do so.


heath said...

Wow, looks like a good time! You're right, girls can be mean! That was confirmed to me again and again, year after year of girls' camp. But they can also be sweet. Way to survive it all.

Yes, we're all the same gender. Don't go to a lot of work for us. I seriously like sleeping on the floor (ask Michelle)--I don't know about the others, but hopefully that's one less bed arrangement to worry about.

heath said...

Oh, and what time is your church?

Unknown said...

We've got it covered...we have 9 am church...hope that's good

lori said...

Oh, so fun to hear about your camp! Amy, I can just imagine you interacting with those girls and I'm sure that having you is a HUGE blessing to all of them!!
LOVE all the pictures!

Lindsay said...

Sounds like you had a blast. And I'm glad it didn't rain on you -- I've done girls camp in the rain and it's just not my idea of a picnic.