Friday, August 31, 2007

Memory Lane

I am sitting in a quiet hotel room in Springville after spending a lovely evening with some of the best people in the world, and I am incredibly tired, but I just have to say that I am so thankful for my life and the people in it and the experiences who have made me who I am.

Memory Lane is the theme Ryan chose for his proposal to me, and since it has been a theme throughout our marriage... My favorite quote on this subject is something along the lines of

"God gave us memories so that we could have roses in the Decembers of our lives"

I have recently taken many trips down memory lane as I have encountered:

  • blogs of so many old and new friends
  • get togethers with many of these same friends
  • a stack of pictures from junior high given to me by a lifelong friend

Throughout these sojourns to the past I have concluded that:

  • my life has been fabulous
  • I have so many dear friends and family that I wouldn't trade for anything
  • I have made mistakes, but I have learned how to grow from them
  • I don't know what real tragedy is, but I do know what a truly broken heart feels like, and I also know what it's like for one to be healed
  • If I could go back, I would do some things differently, but not enough to change who I am today
Present Lane

In the present I am very content with life. I feel like I have so much to do and not enough time or space to do it, ( I have a list of things that MUST get done in September) but that it really doesn't matter. I have everything I need and more...and I could write an entire post of what I am grateful for today.

Future Lane
This one is pretty fuzzy and very scary. But the good thing about the future is that it comes one day at a time. future path tomorrow is leading me to the BYU vs. Arizona football game and I am very excited about that.

Sorry if this post is stupid-I'm very tired. And...I just have to tell Ryan that I love and miss him a lot!

Monday, August 27, 2007

New Post

I have a new post under August, but it's not showing up and I don't have time to fix it right now...sorry

It's Raining, It's Pouring...

But the old man is not snoring...Biggest thunderstorm in Vegas ever since we've lived here last night. It actually woke me up-me who prides herself on sleeping through the best thunderstorms the Midwest has to offer. I guess I'm out of practice. We were literally huddling under the covers as our house was illuminated with brilliant lightning...I would have gotten pictures if we had not been paralyzed with fear :)

Wes and Lori--it was just like Goblin Valley all over again....the clouds stuck around for morning this time though...

and so we are off in this big storm with a big truck and 2 cars to take Ry's sis Jill to BYU for her freshman this storm a bad omen? I hope not...

I will try to blog while I'm gone, but if not-please forgive my boring absence.

Monday, August 20, 2007

No Comparison

Ry: "I'm afraid your blog is getting too good."

Not to worry-we're all up for another fab Christmas letter this year I'm sure...

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Missionary Moment?

Okay, so this might be one of those "you had to have been there" stories, but I thought it was hilarious!

Story 1: So Ryan was nice enough to go with me as priesthood on our YW camping over nighter last weekend (yes, we did go camping again with the girls 2 weeks after girls camp). It was a nice night except for one girl falling down the mountain...but that's another story. On the way home after a long night, one of our leader's needed help with her car. Before Ryan could get over there, a girl on a biking trail stopped to help. Well it turns out this girl is someone that Ryan dated in High School...(I am so bummed I stayed in the car and didn't get to meet her). Anyway, they exchanged the normal pleasantires and Ry gave her one his business cards to fulfill the standard, "We should hang out sometime" that we know will not ever happen....

Story 2: Our Young Women girls meet with the RS for Opening Exercises every week. They started a Missionary Moment where people could share experiences about the new Truth Restored program. After one sister shared, I heard my girls behind me whispering, "Sis. Fitz, Sis. Fitz." "You should tell about your husband." "You know something I don't" was my confused reply. "He gave a pass along card to that girl on the bike that stopped to help us yesterday!" The pride was so evident in their voices-I didn't have the heart to tell them the truth.

So, my sweet husband is now known among my YW as a great missionary...little do they know...

but to make up for it...we encourage all to go to Maybe that counts as our missionary moment for the week :)

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

I give in...

As much as I enjoy Freeze Tag, I guess I will continue this game of tag:

8 Random Things about Me:

  1. I have never had a cavity or been stung by a bee
  2. I hate cats (no offense)
  3. I still secretly like Ace of Base
  4. I witnessed a wild buffalo birth in 8th grade
  5. My favorite color is purple although I hate that it is
  6. I hate being stereotypical. See No. 5-I still hate the fact that I got sucked into loving Harry Potter, and I refused to have my wedding reception at the Joseph Smith Memorial Building...not to mention my major...
  7. I have an obsession with Sharpie markers but I have no artistic talent
  8. I try to sing in public just in case I get discovered...not really I just couldn't think of anything else. Not a bad idea though.

Favorite four jobs I've held:

  • Marshalls
  • Jamba Juice
  • Day Care Center
  • CFO...I mean secretary... of Fitzgibbons and Associates

Four movies I can watch over and over again:

  • Forrest Gump
  • Life is Beautiful
  • Little Women
  • Disney's Robin Hood

Four places I have lived:

  • Saint Louis, MO
  • Provo, UT
  • Las Vegas, NV
  • Next???

Four t.v. shows I watch:

  • The Office
  • Gilmore Girls
  • I'm not going to admit to any more...

Four places I've been on vacation:

  • London
  • Nauvoo
  • Disneyland
  • Fargo, ND

Four favorite foods:

  • peanut butter
  • ice cream
  • mexican
  • cereal

Four websites I visit: