Thursday, February 14, 2008

V-day Guilt

In case you didn't know, we tend to do things a little bit differently around here. Today, there are no roses, chocolates, or red teddy bears at our house. But, we do have a lot of "conversation hearts" that cannot be eaten. These are just from the last 24 hours.

Ryan last night while hanging out with friends: "We need to go. I have to go to the store. I have Valentine's Day guilt."

"Don't worry about it. I didn't get anything for you either." "Oh, good. Let's just go home then."

(while going to the car) "It's freezing. I wish you wouldn't open the door for me and just start the car." "Too bad." He seriously has never missed opening the door for me.

"Everybody loves you." and "People like me like you." (He says this at least 3x a day. Aren't you all jealous?)

And my personal favorite:
(after watching a commercial with a little kid swimming in a pool)
"Do you call those things water wings or floaties?"
"Oh, Good." (with a high five added)
"For some reason I can't stand people who call them water wings. I'm so glad it's going to work out between me and you."

And who wouldn't want to fall asleep to these words:

"I have a prayer in my heart for you."

Happy Valentine's Day! Sorry it won't be as good as ours.
And...I thought this would be a good day to fulfill this request. So here you go:


jeanine said...

Oh I love you guys! And love the wedding pictures! We have one similar to the last one you posted. How fun! Happy Valentines Day!!!

lori said...

Maybe my favorite post yet.
And I love the pictures. So memory evoking =)
Happy V-day, friends!

Kate said...

What pretty wedding pictures you have! What a cute couple you are, and I can tell you really love each other.

My husband always says Valentine's Day was just invented so people would spend money on silly things...maybe that's true, but secretly I still hope I get flowers!

have a good day!

heath said...

Ah, love it! Valentine's guilt. It really can be a problem. Glad you guys have such great ways of working things out.

Mizukawa's said...

Amy Hey is fun to see your wedding pic. I don't know if I even know where mine are. Valentines day sounds fun for you and it is 9:23 and I am typing on your blog, But he did bring flowers. Hey how do you know Kate Butler?

The Wehrmeister's said...

I love your wedding pictures. As pretty as ever.

Allison Hollingsworth Deming said...

Oh hey, I was at that wedding! And, I would like to throw out there, I have always heard them called Water Weenies....

Mizukawa's said...

She was roomates with me in college I just love her!! She is such a neat person. I am so glad that you are getting to know her. I guess that you know her story. I think it is one to give hope and comfort. What a small world.

Chrissy said...

Hey there! I love thge weding pictures! I don't think I ever saw any before.

Alaina said...

YAY! I love this post. Marriage-love is so much more fun than commercialized romantic stuff. I like how perfectly you captured it.

And you are one lucky gal, clean garage and all.