Friday, July 25, 2008


It's been bugging me that I have had "blog pics of nursery" on my To Do list for weeks now, so-here you go...this is mostly for posterity's sake, so I understand if you don't care about this, but I do just happen to think that this is one of the cutest rooms ever :)
view from the door

I'm not quite done with the curtain...still need to iron it and add cute buttons and fix the ribbon, but you get the idea

eventually there will be two of these. but hopefully not for several months because it is a small room!
The left hand wall...I am most proud of this one!

pics hanging above the bed mostly because I had extra pegs and needed something to fill the space. Somebody more artistic could probably have done a better job, but it's good enough for me!
everything on this shelf is something I owned as a baby.

on the right wall. if anyone has any ideas for book ends I would appreciate it :)

as you can tell, Rachel has a lot more stuff than Adam so far-poor guy.
This is the port-a-crib in our room where they will sleep most of the time when they come home. We're not really supposed to use those cushion things, but for right now it helps me imagine what it will be like when there are 2 bundles sleeping in there. And they say "a" and "b" which reminds me of the good ol pregnancy days :)
So there you go-hope you enjoyed the tour!


MJ/Mom/GrammaJ said...

Very Cute! And oh, so ready, for 2 sweet babies. It will be here before we know it.

The Wehrmeister's said...

Looks like you are as ready as you can be for those beautiful babies to come home. And maybe if your lucky I'll make you your own pioneer costume someday.

Amy F. P. said...

Great job! I always love seeing how other mom's decorate their nursery.

Heather said...

Love it and can't wait to see pictures of the babies actually in it.

jeanine said...

CUTE nursery! I love it! And those pegs are so cute! Where did you get them?

Livingstons said...

Wow, that room looks different and great... still can't believe that there's two of 'em. Who will be sleeping in the spare bed?

Alaina said...

Oh I LOVE the matching jean jumpers on the wall! How creative!