Monday, July 6, 2009

Independence Day

Ryan and I spent the 4th in Alamo, NV-population 2,000. Only in a small town can you find: a Brazilian to speak Portuguese with, 2 families from your ward, spend time in a non air conditioned school gym, have people apologize because they don't know you, and have a fireworks display directly above your head after the fireman help the neighbor hose off his house. (Mostly, you just have to be there)
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(Since I know you want to know-Rachel slept through fireworks and Adam seemed frightened, but never cried-this was a surprise.)
We had a great Independence Day together, and even though we concluded we can't live in a town without a Wal-Mart-we definitely love visiting one. Thanks Matt and Misty for a great time!

PS-I am still working on the posts I teased you about earlier. Don't worry.


jeanine said...

Small towns are fun aren't they?

lori said...

How fun to be with Matt and Misty! We're jealous! Love you all! Glad you had a happy holiday!

ROAST said...

What a fun/funny 4th! Sad this is the last post I get to read of yours today. Hopefully they'll be more fun happenings for you to blog about soon.

nateandrebecca said...

Glad you guys had a good fourth. Sounds like fun.