Monday, July 6, 2009

The Swine Flu, or Para Virus B?

Soon after arriving in Salt Lake, my kids came down with a bad cold. Their main symptoms were fever and cough. They were acting fairly normal and happy so we went ahead with our regularly scheduled events.
Sometime in the week we found out that my nephew in Detroit caught the swine flu. His symptoms were a fever and a cough. So the bells started going off that possibly our kids might have it and what if we just exposed the whole world at the wedding, bday party, and church?
So even though it was their official first birthday, we trudged down to Children's Hospital to get the test. I actually didn't mind. There was something quite fitting about being in the place where it all started. I didn't even mind when the nurses came in to do the procedures-because it wasn't a blood transfusion or a breathing tube, or a brain scan. We certainly have come a long way...
It took 24 hours to get our results. In the meantime we started the kids on tamaflu and warned the most fragile of people we had been around to beware the swine flu.

The result? Some Para something virus B. Translation=a bad cold. We are grateful for this outcome since we didn't want to have to put the entire Salt Lake area in a panic, but honestly I think the virus they had was worse!

All are healthy and fine now by the way. Hopefully you are too :)


jeanine said...

Glad that they didn't get the "pig sickness" (as William calls it...)

lori said...

"the pig sickness"! That's awesome, Jeanine!

I'm glad they're better too! How ironic to be in the hospital on their b-day!

ROAST said...

Glad you figured out what was wrong with the little guys. They look super cute in all the pictures I've seen by the way.