Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Adam's Special Day

 For Adam's Special Day this year we went back to the Summerlin Hospital and visited the NICU where our parenthood adventure began. We brought some blankets by and gave them to a family who just had 27 week boy/girl twins. I know Adam and Rachel didn't understand this outing, but someday they will and I don't want them to ever forget how precious their lives are and these special people who took care of them 24 hours a day for 3 months.

 The kids definitely had more fun running around outside. We did too. Even though it was August, it was a really nice day.

 We went to get ice cream, and then opened Adam's present. They use these alligator puppets at story time and the kids love them. So I found ones that are exactly the same.

 And...once upon a time we made these plates for our family to always use on birthdays and special occasions and such. They didn't come in time for Adam's day, but here is the boy one, and we'll use it next time :)

We did a video interview with him, but it didn't upload. So enjoy this one instead and hopefully I can get the other one to work later.

1 comment:

heath said...

I think it's neat that you go back to the NICU. It will mean something to them someday (perhaps not until they have kids) but you're just planting seeds.