1. Accident #1 before lunch (the #2 kind)
2. Accident #2 after lunch
3. Resulting in her favorite toy being taken away for one day
4. Spontaneously throws her arms around me and says "I love you". (yeah, she's not fooling anybody)
5. Trying to get out the door for preschool, "I'm going to go potty so I can get my toy back." (yeah, right)
6. After school errands were a success,albeit a little hyper and stressful for mom, ie this conversation:
R about Adam: "He's screaming." Me: "I know, but please don't tell on him." R: "I'm not telling him, I'm telling you." Me: much laughter R: "It's not funny!"
7. While putting groceries away, a tussle with Adam
8. When I tried to intervene I got a swat and a "Dang it, Mama!" (I let that one go. I was too stunned)
9. A good dinner followed by promise of ice cream
10. Accident #3 (the #2 kind again)
11. No ice cream
12. Great clean up time
13. Just about to repent and offer a chocolate instead when
14. She walks out of my room eating a stolen piece of chocolate
15. Bedtime pretty good,pjs, brush teeth,
16 "Go potty so you can get your sticker."
17. "I'm not listening!"
18. Accident #4
19. I'm done!*