Thursday, February 2, 2012

Christmas Festivities

Vegas has culture once again. We went to the Springs Preserve with our good friends and had a great time! There was a train ride for Adam and Reindeer (pony) rides for Rachel. It doesn't get any better than that.

Not Pictured: Opportunity Village and the awesome dance recital our friends were in. Plus the great Dragon spinning ride that we waited in line for almost an hour for. Oh, the things you do for Ryan...I mean, the kids.
Also, the ward Christmas party wherein we made our only gingerbread houses of the season and where we stayed as far away from Santa as possible.
And I'm sure we did a bunch of other stuff in December that I didn't record. We were having too much fun enjoying it!

1 comment:

heath said...

Wow, those fake reindeer antlers really add quite the touch. And remember how Adam and I made the worst gingerbread house ever. Sorry about that!