Sunday, April 29, 2012

Easter Sunday

 Rach E was so excited to wear her "purple dress and white shoes." She has become quite a girl lately...I love it.

 Adam didn't get anything new to wear...but he wanted a picture anyway
 We love our neighborhood. There is a family that throws a great Easter Egg Hunt Party. They feed everyone a huge breakfast while the "Easter Bunny" hides the eggs. Then the little kids get to go first and the big kids follow. You have never seen so many eggs before in your life. It took over an hour to hide them and there were still some leftover. The eggs contain toys, candy and even money. All this with no cost to any of us. Happy Easter!

The YMCA ladies painted her nails...she was so proud and showed everyone for days!

Despite all this fun, we were sure to talk about the real meaning of Easter. We are so grateful for the knowledge that Christ lives!

1 comment:

jeanine said...

Rachel looks so sweet in her Easter dress! I love it!