Sunday, April 29, 2012

St. Patrick's Day

Our St. Patrick's Day was a little unusual this year. We didn't wear green or eat corned beef and cabbage. Instead we hosted four youth for a formal dinner before their "church prom". I panicked the day before realizing that I had not thought this through. I don't know how to cook anything. I haven't used my china in years. And I certainly don't have a formal dining table. But of course we pulled it off and I hope those teenagers had as much fun as we did. But if nothing else, we had really good leftovers.

We forgot to take a before picture, but you get the idea

Mini chocolate bunt cake with powdered sugar and raspberries

Looks like they're having fun to me

Gave this to our babysitters...couldn't have done it without them!
Next year I would like to go back to our standard Irish traditions, but it was fun to feel young again for one night!

1 comment:

jeanine said...

Oh my goodness! What fun! And the food looks so good!