Friday, August 13, 2010

Road Trip Stats, FAQ's, etc

Total number of days:
  • 2 with just our fam back and forth from Las Vegas to Salt Lake
  • 10 with Royce and Heather on the World's Largest Things Tour
  • 5 days with me staying in salt lake with the kids. Ry flew home to work and then came back for a wedding. more to come on that later. Total days gone from Las Vegas: 17
Miles driven: a little more than 6,000
Oil changes: 2
New Tires: 2
Tanks of Gas: idk-30?

License Plates Found: all states except Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, North Dakota, South Carolina, and Vermont.

Significant States Visited: Utah, Wyoming, South Dakota, Kansas, Nebraska, Missouri, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Michigan, Kentucky, Tennesse, Colorado

No. of laptops we brought: 2
No. of laptops that didn't work very well: 2

No. of presidents memorized: the first 10
Verses of 99 bottles of beer on the wall sung: all of them! including a nice rendition on the answering machine of one of ryan's clients
World's Largest Things Seen: I don't know-look through the pics and count them

Random Quotes: No need to understand
  • Heather (while compiling a list of 50 states) Okay, I'm missing a state. Ryan: Which one?
  • Royce: They had gyros, but they pronounced it "Guy Roe" so you definitely didn't want one
  • Heather: The smoky mountains smell like incense. Ryan: No, my laptop's on fire!

Was it fun? YES
Was it better than expected? For the most part
Would we do it again? Probably but the jury's still out on that one
Did you miss the kids? yes, but honestly not that much. I actually read a book start to finish!
Did we all hate each other? As a matter of fact-we're all still friends. Royce and Heather still like our kids which in all honesty is quite the miracle.

This trip was sponsored by the letters A, W, X, and R. And the ABC song. And the Wonder Years.


jeanine said...

Yea! What fun.

And if Heather and Royce hadn't been there I bet you wouldn't have thought your kids so bad... or maybe you would have but it wouldn't have seemed so bad since no one else had to witness it :)

lori said...

the quotes are what really makes me wish we had been there. Even more than the pictures!

I think the best part of the trip is that you can all now say: we went on a world's largest things tour. There are few things that top that in hilarity.