Thursday, May 26, 2011

You Can't Have Him

I had two extra kids at my house yesterday. Needless to say I was a little frazzled. But I managed to get dinner on the table for all of us. I was taking bites with one hand while the other one was holding a bottle for the baby.  I had just gotten one more cup of milk for kid #4 when I heard Adam say,
"this is yummy chicken, mommy, thanks for making it."
I was so amazed and thrilled I didn't have the heart to tell him that we were actually eating meatballs.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Canon Upgrade

Ryan has complained about our lack of a good camera for awhile now. I told him he could get one as long as he learned how to use it, and deleted the bad pictures so I didn't have to sort through the hundreds he likes to take (I can't stand deleting pics of my kids even if they're blurry). Here are a few of his practice shots:

real moon or not? maybe I'll tell you

Am I all caught up on our blogging life yet? Not quite-but I think I'm done for now. Whew :)

Not Often

I don't talk about church stuff very often on this blog. But I should. Because our LDS faith really is the foundation of everything we do and are as a family. But there are special moments that surpass the normalcy that is our church. Yesterday we had one of those moments. We were able to participate in the sealing of some friends of ours. Sealings in the temple are marriages beyond earthly bounds. And it was extra special because of their sweet son who got to be a part of this special day. Congrats you guys!

 It was nice to know that our kids were having a special day of their own: they got to go to Lake Mead with Gpa to feed the fish. Rachel kept saying this guy was a fireman. ??? Guess you have to be 2 to make that connection.

At the Beginning...

We want to potty train. We have been too busy to give it a significant try, but we have dabbled into it a little bit. I thought I would post the pictures of their first successes. I don't think I have ever seen smiles that big. They were sooo proud of themselves!

Dress Ups and Mother's Day

This is our new favorite past time:

I can't tell you how funny it is to see Adam come out of the room and exclaim, "I'm a princess!" And then proceed to twirl and curtsy. And then when his crown falls off he frets, "My crown!" and has to replace it as quickly as possible.
I have been thinking about this a lot. About when it doesn't become okay to exclaim proudly, "I'm a princess!" or, "I'm a Mother." Because that's what I am. And some days it feels like I am "dressing up". That it's not real and that I can "play" my way through the day and think it's good enough. But really, I can't let my crown slip and fall off. I need to wear it proudly. I learned that lesson this week when I thought it would be okay to indulge a little bit. I spent too much time on myself. The result? A colored on wall that I had to paint afterward. (Note: some indulgence is fine--I just knew I was taking it too far).
Today I have really enjoyed my chance to step back from my role and let Ryan take the reigns. He has done a good job. And I have been able to channel some of my creative energy that has been building up for too long. But tomorrow-I am anxious to push up my sleeves and get to work. To do what I know I was made to do and to do it well. And if I do that long enough, maybe I won't feel like I'm "dressing up" anymore. And that my kids will be able to grow up and say, "she knew she was a mother"

Happy Mother's Day!


I really enjoyed Easter this year. The kids really got into it. When you ask them what Easter is about they will respond, "Eggs! Bunnies! Candy!" But I promise we taught them about Jesus. Or at least their nursery leaders did (good thing Ryan is in nursery so he can fulfill our parental duties of teaching the gospel).

Early in April, we dyed eggs (for an Easter party that got snowed out-go figure). I was pleasantly surprised that we had hardly any fighting, and not even a big mess. I'm a little afraid to ever do it again because it went so well.

Then after BYU grad, we stayed in Utah a little longer to go to Royce and Heather's Easter party extravaganza. It was great that we had the only kids there cause they were spoiled. As in they ate enough candy to last for a year. They stayed awake till midnight on our drive home. We played Pin the Tail on the Bunny and you should have seen my kids' sense of order coming through. They could not stand not having the tail not be on the exact right spot. But they got the hang of it quickly enough and laughed every time someone got it wrong. There was more egg dying, "Don't Eat Pete!" and a fantastic egg hunt followed by a not so fantastic egg toss. I'm sure next year I will be picked last. Thanks for the fun time, friends!

We quickly drove home from Utah and arrived in Vegas at 2am. Kids woke up Easter morning at 8:45am. Too early for me, but in just enough time for our neighborhood egg hunt. These people go all out! Big breakfast for all the kids, hundreds of eggs filled with candy, toys, and money, and even baby chicks to win and take home! (we went to church before we accidentally ended up with a chick). The only drawback to the whole event was the neighbors who had blocked off their yard with a big sign that said "No eggs! We don't like kids". I am not kidding. But overall it was a great way to celebrate Easter with our neighbors. The only thing we will change about next year is that we are officially banning Easter grass. I think you all know why. Oh and one more thing--I will actually take pictures on Easter Sunday and take get pictures of Rachel in her Easter dress and hat. When she put on her hat, Adam said, "she's a cowboy!" cause that's one of the hats they dress up in at Gma's house :)

True Blue?

We were excited to be able to go to Jill and Jeff's BYU graduation. We are so happy for them! However, between the weather and the looonng ceremonies, it wasn't exactly the best conditions for our little guys. But--we still think we gave them a good showing of what BYU is all about with the hopes that they will go there. (Ryan's motivation for that dream is strictly financial. I, on the other hand, actually got something out of my BYU experience).

So what do you do when you have 2.5 hours of name reading in the Marriot Center? Take pictures! Lots and lots of pictures:

Special thanks to:
Wes and Lori, etc who watched our kids for us, Gma who fed us, Gpa who entertained us, Jill who forgave us for losing her present, Jeff for feeding our children fruit instead of cookies.