Sunday, May 8, 2011

True Blue?

We were excited to be able to go to Jill and Jeff's BYU graduation. We are so happy for them! However, between the weather and the looonng ceremonies, it wasn't exactly the best conditions for our little guys. But--we still think we gave them a good showing of what BYU is all about with the hopes that they will go there. (Ryan's motivation for that dream is strictly financial. I, on the other hand, actually got something out of my BYU experience).

So what do you do when you have 2.5 hours of name reading in the Marriot Center? Take pictures! Lots and lots of pictures:

Special thanks to:
Wes and Lori, etc who watched our kids for us, Gma who fed us, Gpa who entertained us, Jill who forgave us for losing her present, Jeff for feeding our children fruit instead of cookies.

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