Sunday, May 8, 2011

Canon Upgrade

Ryan has complained about our lack of a good camera for awhile now. I told him he could get one as long as he learned how to use it, and deleted the bad pictures so I didn't have to sort through the hundreds he likes to take (I can't stand deleting pics of my kids even if they're blurry). Here are a few of his practice shots:

real moon or not? maybe I'll tell you

Am I all caught up on our blogging life yet? Not quite-but I think I'm done for now. Whew :)

1 comment:

Linda said...

Cute pictures! Reading this post makes me wish I had a new camera too! :-)

Thanks for your comment on my blog! That's crazy that you have this chocking problem too! :-( NO fun! So they did the stretching thing twice for you? Does it help? Or does the muscle eventually go back to the way it was? Are you on any medicine to help? I just wish there was a more permanent solution. I'd love to hear what has worked and hasn't worked for you. Glad we aren't the only ones! :-)